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The aftermath

Only a few minute to write as always. We are headed to Ken’s dad’s surprise birthday party in less than an hour and I haven’t started getting ready yet. This morning was Chase’s last flag football game (I thought last week was the last game…I was wrong!) Then I had this whole debacle with Andrew who thinks his cousin accidentally pressed the internet button on his cell phone for like 20 minutes. I called Verizon and disabled the web feature. So far I don’t see the web minutes on our account. I don’t know if he is lying and he was on the web and trying to blame his cousin or what. I told him if the minutes do pop up he is paying for it with his birthday money. It won’t be able to happen again, so not a big deal really. All morning I had a messy house to clean. Ken helped and we got thing back to normal for the most part. Why is it when you are busy like that your house falls to shambles? It was like a wind storm came through each and every room. Part of the reason was Ken bought this program where you use the projector to display a Halloween mini movie type thing on the window of your house. He had to unhook the projector from the basement and the stereo receiver, speakers, etc and bring it all up into Karli’s room. Her room was torn apart, curtains taken down, her blinds, and such so all of this could be hooked up. All of this for 1 hour of entertainment for the trick or treaters because it was even dark until 7pm. It was a big hit though, tons of people did stop to watch it. We trick or treated from 6 – 8 here… is that pretty normal for other parts of the U.S.? Andrew went with his dad for the weekend, plus he didn’t want to dress up this year anyways. Here are the kidlets dressed up. As usual I was running behind and we didn’t leave the house until a little after 6. By 7pm Karli was tired so we brought her home and the boys and I went back out to finish the other half of the neighborhood. They got so much candy I don’t know what we are going to do with it. Hide it from me, I say.



Princess Karli

Vampire Blake

Rest of the set here.

holidays & occassions

Happy Halloweenie!

I feel behind on so many things these week, but no time to fuss. Halloween is today and unfortunately I can’t postpone that or I probably would. I bought Chase’s Robin (from Batman and Robin) costume off Ebay and it was way too big. I was sewing that last night, at the last minute. We carved pumpkins last night too. We didn’t even make it to the pumpkin farm until Wednesday night and even then Andrew couldn’t go because he had football practice.

I am headed to Karli’s preschool Halloween party in about 30 minutes. Then around 2pm I am headed to the boys elementary school for their parties. I am actually the party planner/organizer for Chase’s class. I am not on the PTA… this is the closest I get to helping out the school. Blake was giving me a hard time for not volunteering for his party. I told him that I signed up to help his class for Christmas. He thought that was stupid and that I should have picked him for Halloween. Man, these kids are great at guilt trips. Next year will be even worse with Karli in Kindergarten (hopefully all day!), Chase in First, and Blake in Fourth. I won’t be able to be in 3 places at once. Poor kids, yes, they are so neglected.

Thank goodness I am done with this crap with Andrew. He said some kids were dressing up at his school and there is or was a dance or some sort, but he wasn’t interested in either. He hasn’t had time to breathe here lately. He is either doing homework or at football. I know he can’t wait until next week where he can focus on school and his friends more. He went on Monday to try out for basketball because his friends and Ken talked him into giving it a shot. He has never played on a basketball team in his life. Ken thought it would be great for him to stay in shape during the winter. He was not happy when he heard practice is 5 days a week after school with games on Tuesday or Thursday. He doesn’t want that big of commitment right now. School is killing him. He is in the hardest group of teachers and the homework is 2 – 3 hours every night. He said he didn’t do real well the first day of tryout so he decided not to show up the next day. Ken wasn’t thrilled because you know we don’t raise quitters in this house. Andrew said since he didn’t really want to be on the team anyways, why waste the time, and I agreed. Come to find it out they were going to pick him for the team! His friends said they seen the list and his name was on it apparently. There were about 50 kids trying out and they were choosing 24 to make two teams of 12. That is a lot of kids sitting the bench though with only 5 kids playing at a time. But what do I know!? Anyways I was proud of him for sort of making it and giving it a try. I agree though, school is first, sports second.

Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone!

doggy dogs

She loves me

My little puppy wuppy pudding pop loves me so much she actually eats her poop for me when she accidentally goes potty in the kitchen. Such a sweet baby girl, my little Tori-skins! Now if that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.


movies & tv

SYTYCD Tour 2008

Ken and I had date night the other night and we went to go see So You Think You Can Dance live tour show. We went to it two years ago when it was in Auburn Hills and it was SO much nicer than this year, which was in Detroit. I swear the place smelled like urine. The floor was sticky and just the whole place was disgusting to me. I know that is what you get for downtown Detroit, but yuck. I have become a bit of a germaphob in my old age, I can’t help it. I don’t touch doors, I use my arm if I have to. Stuff like that.

Anyways, the show. It was pretty good. I really like several of the dancers from this season. We had really good seats, like two rows up from the floor, off to one side a bit. The first thing I said when they all (there was 13 dancers in the show) came out on stage for the opening number was that they look so little! When they are on TV you don’t get a true sense for their size I guess. Ken was like…They are little! I suppose they are. I wish I was still as little as I was back in my dancing years :p

doggy dogs

Tori Reese – 4 months

I finally registered Tori with AKC, which means I had to decide on a middle name for her. We went with Reese, Karli’s middle name. Tori Reese, I think it has a nice ring to it. Our dogs full names are now…Poohsephine Gizmo (we call her Pooh), Shaggy Scrapps, and Tori Reese.

Karli wanted to take some photos of Tori today. She tried to take some on her own, but those didn’t turn out to well. I think only one of them actually had Tori’s face in the photo, but she is trying. I had Tori at the vet last week and she weighed 3.6 pounds. The vet said she should probably stay more on the tiny side, weighing about 5 – 6 lbs at most. Of course there are Yorkies much smaller than that, but for a household with kids running a muck, it is probably better that she isn’t super tiny.

Tori - 4 months old

She is such a sweetie. We have already developed our little habits and she knows what times of the day she gets to lay on my lap and cuddle. She will whine if I sit down and forget to pick her up first. Tori hasn’t been too bad in terms of being a puppy. She did chew through Andrew’s laptop cord, so that had to be replaced. She started to chew on one of our gates. Other than that she pottys outside most of the time and hasn’t been much trouble at all. Ken doesn’t think she has much of a personality because she is so mellow. You know how most puppies are full of energy and act all crazy all the time…well she isn’t like that very often. She does run and play outside or run circles around the kitchen snack bar chasing Shaggy, but for the most part she is a cuddle bug, mellow, and lazy. I love her personality…she acts like her mommy. LOL!

Tori - 4 months old

doggy dogs


This morning when I let Tori out there was a strange looking leafy type thing sitting on our back step. It basically looked like this:
(these are not real photos…if I only I were smart enough to have grabbed my camera….instead you are getting my photo shopped versions)


I didn’t have my contacts in yet, so basically it looked like a leaf with legs. I bent down to get a closer look and still couldn’t quit figure out what it was. I told Karli to get her Daddy. He said it looking like a praying mantis…but with it’s head missing.

Huh? What!!?? No way, Tori was just playing with, basically chewing and spitting out, something that I thought was a leaf. Yuck yuck yuck…I was dancing around the kitchen with the heebie jeebies.

I begged Ken to clean it up before Tori got a hold of it again. He just HAD to tell me that he seen it’s head and the rest of it’s body. Now, it is important to understand what this bug looked like before my precious 4 month old puppy got it’s paws on it.

I told you …. totally disgusting!

Then the topper was when I asked Ken if he was sure he got it all. The thought of Tori going back out there and chewing it was grossing me out. He told me he had and then I pointed down to the ground and said, “what’s that”? He replied, “Just a leaf” and then proceeded to kick it with his BARE foot and the so called leaf squirted out slimy bug juice.


Chugging Along

Busy would not even be the right word to describe how life has been here at our household lately. The entire month of September flew by so fast it’s nuts. Other than work consuming the most of my days, the kids have all been keeping us on our toes. Karli started preschool and so far she seems to enjoy it quite a bit.

Karli's First Day of Preschool

Her teacher did tell me the other day that Karli crumbled up another girl’s napkin at snack time. She learns some really bad things from her older brothers, what can I say. We had a long talk about it, more than I cared to, but I do want her to understand that school has rules that you must follow. I guess most of the 4 year old kids that are in her class went there last year and they are all used to the rules. Karli will get there and I think school is the best thing for her. I think it’s good for her to actually miss me, instead of being with me 24/7.

Let’s see what else has been happening….

Football, lots and lots of football. Andrew has been so much fun to watch this year. He has gotten a few touchdowns and a several 2 point conversions (I think that is what they are called?). Part of me hopes he sticks with football. He obviously has talent and it looks good to be well rounded on the ole college applications, right? Andrew has a way better chance of getting into a good college with his grades, more than sports, but it can’t hurt. Blake is doing well with football. He is learning the fundamentals and works real hard. I think I mentioned that Andrew is playing fall baseball again. They don’t have practices, just games on Saturdays. He wants to try to keep his skills up since he wants to try out for a travel team again this year. He already tried out for one and didn’t make it. 4 kids tried out and they took 2. It is going to be a huge commitment for our entire family for him to be on a travel baseball team. So if it doesn’t work out, I won’t lose any sleep over it.

Chase cut his own hair. I always knew that one of our kids would do that someday. It wasn’t too bad. I was able to fix it and make it look decent enough. He did decide to take the scissors to his bed blanket and a sleeping bad though. He claimed that it was Blake’s fault that he brought scissors into their bedroom. Nice.

Blake has had a lot more schoolwork than ever before. He has his first big test on Wednesday where he has to label a diagram of the ear. Remember that? I do! He also had to make a homemade musical instrument. We used PVC pipe to make pan pipes. They turned out alright, but they are hard to blow into to make the right sound.

Andrew grades are posted on this website and you can sign in and check on all their homework and tests scores. It’s kind of nice. Is that pretty popular these days? Anyways, so far he has straight A’s still. I kept hearing about how all these kids that got all A’s at the elementary school, come to the junior high and get B’s & C’s. I am glad that that is not the case for Andrew. I think the biggest thing he has going for him is his study skills. He has never been one of those kids who wait until the day before to study. He works hard every night. Such a great kid that boy.

Our old babysitter got married a couple of weekends ago. The kids miss her so much. I miss her even more. She looked beautiful though and I am happy for her. Her husband is in law school and she can’t wait to have kids of her own in a few years. She will be a great mom, that’s for sure.

We went on a casino bus trip not too long ago for a fund raiser for the football team. We had a lot of fun. Neither of us spent a lot of money, but we had a great time. We keep saying we want to sneak back up to the casino, but the closest one is about an hour from here. We really need to get a new babysitter. My parents have to be getting tired of being stuck with our kids for the weekend. I have had the neighbor girl across the street watch the kids for shorter periods of time, but she is only a freshman in high school. I can’t have her here when Andrew is here. He is in 7th grade and it would just be weird. I wonder what age I will be able to start counting on him to watch the kids? One night last week, Ken and I did run to get ice cream without the kids. That was nice…it felt strange though. Andrew is very mature for his age, but he can be so easily distracted that I would be afraid that the younger kids would be off shaving the dogs or something while him and Blake are glued to the Wii.