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Insanity Workout Results – Week #2

First update on the – Can Fat People do the Insanity Workout video series.
I have completed two weeks of the Insanity Workout as well as completing my Fit Test for comparison. Watch below to see my results!

Updated in January 2013:
Since this post I have created 4 more videos in this series-
See all of the videos in the playlist here at YouTube. Thanks for watching :)
Subscribe for future weight loss and fitness videos and blog posts!

weight loss

Can fat people do the Insanity workout?

This week I started the Insanity workout. Yes, the one where you’ve seen the infomercials on Sunday mornings. The one you watch from the couch, instead of getting off your booty and giving it a try. Okay, I only say that because that is what I was doing. I have always found it interesting and figured I have nothing to lose with trying it out. I hated the thought of spending $120 or more but when I found it on Ebay for nearly half the price, I couldn’t think of any reason to not take the plunge. I thought of all the times I have spent $70 on a nice dinner with Ken. Well this is my body that I have to live with every day. Certainly it is worth every penny, if it works of course. How can it not work? How can this not end positively? How will I not lose weight from this?

I’ve gotten a little bored with just walking/running all the time and I have always needed something to help me build up my endurance. When I am running and have to stop to walk, 70% of the time it is because I am out of breath. The other 30% would be muscle pains, so I debated doing weight training to build up my muscles. I would still love to do some strength (weight) training as well, but for the next 60 days I am committed to doing INSANITY!!!

Here is a intro video to my new weight loss video series – “Can Fat People do the Insanity workout?”

Updated in January 2013:
Since this post I have created 4 more videos in this series-
See all of the videos in the playlist here at YouTube. Thanks for watching :)
Subscribe for future weight loss and fitness videos and blog posts!

blog, weight loss


Just when you think things can’t possibly get any worse…they do.

The past couple of months have been filled with some trying times. Recently I had reconnected with one of my best friends from high school and we started walking 4 days a week. Not only did it feel great to create an exercise plan and stick to it, but my friend has been a lifesaver to me. It has almost been like daily exercise and daily therapy at the same time!

After walking for 3 weeks, anywhere from 3 – 7 miles at a time, we thought last week was the perfect time to start implementing the Couch to 5K program. I wanted to make goals in terms of distance and time and try to forget about how much weight I was losing each week. So here we were, walking for 90 seconds and running for 30 seconds and after 45 minutes we stopped at our cars to drink some water. We wanted to continue for another couple of miles so we headed back around the track. As we were passing our cars I glanced at my car and said, “It looks like my window is down.”

So we walked up to my car and once we were close enough I seen the glass on the ground. Let’s just say I don’t do very well in situations like these. I went into panic mode and felt like I couldn’t breathe. Thank goodness my friend was with me because without her I don’t know what I would have done. My purse was stolen and yes I now realize how stupid it was for me to be leaving my purse in the car with my checkbook, cash, credit cards, etc. It took us a few minutes to notice that my friend’s car had been broken into as well. She didn’t have her purse in her car, but she did have her work laptop which was stolen as well.

It has been a huge mess; all the phone calls, visit to the bank, checks bouncing after having to close my current account. I don’t think an hour has gone by without me thinking about it. We had to change the locks on our door, but I still don’t feel safe. I keep thinking about where my purse might be, who might have my drivers license, and photos of my kids. Knowing that someone out there stole my purse, invaded my privacy, and was clearly watching my friend and I that day – feels very unsettling. I haven’t walked since then and I miss it. I know I can’t live in fear forever, but I can’t help but feel like I am being watched.

March was really a terrible, terrible month. Yes, I do realize how lucky we are that no one was hurt. I do have much to be grateful for. I’m going to try to let the past stay in the past and move forward. Let’s hope that April brings some positiveness into my life!


I’m not a quitter

My life feels so crazy lately, yet to put it into words what has been going on I come up blank. Part of that reason is there are some things that I have had going on in the last couple of months that I can’t really share. {I know…I hate when people do that too! I have this exciting thing going on and I can’t talk about it, ugh! How rude!} No, it’s not like that. It’s not exciting at all, just stressful and complicated and I wish I could just pack a bag and run away with Ken and the kids for a few months until the drama ends. Also, do you ever notice when life gets stressful the next thing you know the phone is ringing with more drama? That’s me, a magnet for other people’s crap.

Anyhow, I constantly think about how I miss writing and wish I could somehow turn off the negative in my brain and accentuate the positive by writing and sharing about the things that I love most in this world – my family! Here lately I have enjoyed reading and escaping into other fun inspiring stories. I read this post the other day at a blog called The Happiest Mom – Do fewer things, Do them better.

I love this paragraph in particular:

The truth is, every day brings with it plenty of opportunities for us to do better–not perfect, but better–at small, familiar things instead of chasing down the next new thing that will “make” us more: fulfilled, successful, better parents, more in shape. The more I try to do everything, the more elaborate a schedule I cook up–the more I slack off, drop the ball, leave things hanging. Because I can’t do everything and do it well.

I feel like I have the “I want to do everything” syndrome and many days it results in doing nothing at all. Then when I ask myself what it is I really want to be great at I find myself putting all these things on my list that I don’t even do. Like – I want to run a mile, I want to knit a blanket, ugh! Who am I kidding? I haven’t knitted in years nor have I been pushing myself to run. I still want to do these things, but I also need to give myself a break and look at all the things I accomplish in a day and realize that I should give 100% effort into those things instead of always trying to do more. It’s a great concept; do less, but do it better.

Daisy is acting like how I feel…I just want to hide under something some days too!
Where's Daisy??

Which brings up the diet. I know you are all dying to know why I haven’t made any videos lately. {sarcasm} I felt like the videos were repetitive especially since we weren’t really doing anything different each week and I didn’t have anything new to say. However, I will admit that not having the weekly weigh in’s have made a difference in my effort each week. I’m still not drinking pop and I don’t fill myself with junk food…however my weight has been pretty steady the month of February. I haven’t quit, but haven’t been trying real hard either. As of today I am down another 3 pounds since the last video I made. I will make an update video real soon and I’ll get Ken on the scale and we will get back into the swing of things. {This is my way of saying I am trying to dig myself out of the pile of crap I am dealing with and get back to what makes me happy!}

Morning with mom at Chase & Karli’s school
Morning with mom at school bright and early this AM.


My little wrestler

Our one and only wrestler in the family and I am so proud of him! Chase is doing such a great job his first year of wrestling. Never once has he complained about having to go to practice. He gets so excited and loves to practice at home against Blake. He can actually take Blake down and he is twice his weight. At first he did complain about the little singlet (bodysuit) he had to wear, he hated it – but he has gotten used to it. His first scrimmage was a few weeks ago and he did so well – he won 5 out of 6 matches. And he only lost the first one because they put him in a group of 9 year olds (because he is 9), but there was no one else close to his weight. So they moved him down to 8 year olds and he was able to wrestle kids his size. At least for real matches he will be grouped specifically by weight, not age. He is 9 years old and weighs 48 pounds.

Chase Wrestling Scrimmage

The day of his scrimmage I wasn’t quite prepared for what it was going to be like. He had already wrestled a couple of kids by the time I arrived and by his 3rd match he was rearing to go. The kid he was up against was getting very frustrated and he was on the brink of tears. I got so emotional while watching the match and I have to admit I had to wipe the corners of my eyes a few times. Chase was winning…what was my problem? I think it was a mixture of being proud of Chase for doing so well and it also bothered me that the other kid was getting upset. I can’t help it, I am one of those people who get emotional over the tiniest thing.

Chase Wrestling Scrimmage

Ken keeps telling me that I need to get ready because I haven’t even seen how bad it can get. Oh boy! Chase’s last match was against this boy that was going crazy psychotic! He was coming at Chase swinging his arms like girls do when they fight in high school. He also kept scratching and pinching Chase and he had long fingernails. Chase did not back down though, he went right at the kid and did his best to get his legs and take him down. It’s so nerve-wracking to watch and when you see some other kid breaking the rules it’s hard to just sit there and do nothing. Luckily they didn’t let the other kid get away with it for long.

Chase Wrestling Scrimmage

So, while I am excited to have a different sport to watch, it’s going to be quite an adjustment compared to baseball and football. Wrestling is obviously an individual sport and I am excited about seeing how far Chase is going to go with it. I have a feeling we might have a future high school wrestler on our hands. Our high school has a great wrestling team, so I would be very happy if he sticks with this sport.

Chase Wrestling Scrimmage

I am a Dance Mom, Football Mom, Baseball Mom and now Wrestling Mom.

Oh, in case you don’t know which one Chase is in the photos or videos – he has the red headgear on. Or maybe I should just say, he is the one kicking some butt!

blog, weight loss

Peas & Carrots

Day Four – Stranger #Febphotoaday
Day Four #febphotoaday ~ Stranger.  It's me 6 years ago, feels like a stranger to me.  I will look like this again ;)

I’ve always said that I feel like a stranger in this body. Meaning when I look in the mirror I don’t feel like I look. Yet, when I look at old photos before I gained weight I think that person looks like a stranger to me as well. This photo is from 6 years ago and I thought it was very fitting for my representation of a Stranger. As you can see I have never been stick thin. I have always had muscular legs from dance and gymnastics and it’s just how my body is built and I am okay with that. I’ve got curves…that’s not so bad. I’m only 15% of the way to my goal weight after 1 month which sounds so incredibly far away from 100%, but I really feel like I am doing a great job staying consistent and losing weight gradually.

Day Five – 10am #Febphotoaday
Day Five #febphotoaday - 10am. Had to wear glasses, left eye was swollen this am.
Okay, I’m not gonna lie. This photo was not taken at 10am. I was in the shower at 10am getting ready to head to the grocery store with Ken. I took this photo the first time I looked at my phone all day. I despise going to the store on the weekend let alone on a day of an event – Superbowl Sunday. There are way to many people in the store and you are constantly trying to move out of everyone’s way. I almost never wear my glasses in public either, but my eye was all red and irritated. It’s better now, so all is good. We had a cheat meal with dinner last night- we made tacos. Not incredibly fattening, but not all that healthy either. Maybe I can use this as a reason to exercise today??

Just a random photo from the day…SEESTERS- Daisy and Pippa! Our Pomeranian pups are almost 8 months old. They have gotten so big and fluffy. I don’t know what they would do without one another. They are like peas and carrots. Or chips and dip. Or cheese and crackers. Okay, you get it.


Look at them when we first got them…at 6 weeks old.

Daisy & Pippa - 6 weeks

weight loss

Week 4 Weigh In – First Month Results

End of our first month of weight loss…I lost 10.6 pounds and Ken lost 16.9 – not bad for 1 month of just changing our eating habits. I would like to say that month two will involve exercise, but we will see! We are happy with our results so far…let’s see if we can lose even more the second month.

weight loss

Week Three Weigh In – Hubby is a LOSER!!

Ken did awesome this week….a 10 pound weight loss! I however only weighed in with a 2.4 pound loss….Booooo! We changed up our diet this week which helped Ken tremendously. I followed it best I could with some minor cheating :( I am not as disciplined as Ken, but now that he is beating me percentage-wise…it’s ON for next week. Ken better watch out!

(‘ll write more details about our diet later…gotta get Karli to a birthday party!)