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doggy dogs

Pooper Scooper

The nice weather this weekend brought along with it some undesirable springtime chores. After months and months of snow there is always a lot of dog droppings to clean up. I typically start out helping, but after about an hour I quit and leave the rest for Ken. The next door neighbor boys were over and the 11 year old boy insisted on helping me. He doesn’t have a dog of his own so he must have thought this sort of chore was fun I guess. I couldn’t understand why he wanted to help since he was so grossed out by the whole idea. He kept asking me why I didn’t go outside and clean up the poop after each time that the dogs went. Yea right, I am going to walk outside at midnight in my pj’s and clean up dog poo.

He had me laughing so hard by the things he was saying while he was helping.

“Ew, I think the dog had diarrhea for this pile!”

“Did you feed your dog a powered doughnut?”

“I can’t believe how bad this smells, its like pooptopia out here.”

“Oh my gosh, this one has carpet in it! Do you feed your dog carpet?”

Okay… I can’t believe I just blogged about dog poop.


Special Delivery

When I came home from Blake’s eye appointment today there was a surprise waiting for me on our back patio. I recognized the box as one that Ken’s brother brings over filled with chips (he works for Frito Lay). It wasn’t quite what I expected, but too cute!

Just a box?


Chase!!! It must be nice to be so small that you can fit in a box!


No More Tears

Not much to say today…. so I will share the photos of Karli’s shorter hair cut. It is SO much better now compared to when her hair was longer. No more screaming in pain when I comb it after she gets out of the bath. Basically I just cut off several inches and then started layering the ends the best I know how. It ended up looking pretty cute (I think) because she has a wave to her hair so the ends tend to flip out or curl on their own.
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Date night was great last Saturday. We had a yummy, QUIET dinner complete with drinks. I had to hang onto Ken’s arm a little bit while we walked around the mall afterwards. That’s what happens when you hardly ever drink. The movie 10,000 BC was good. Not great, just good. The previews certainly make it appear to be more exciting than it is. The animals which they seem to overplay in the previews are only in about 30% of the movie. It was still worth it though, it did look pretty cool on the big screen.

This week so far…. well I cut about 3 inches off Karli’s hair. Her hair has always been so stringy looking. My mom had recently got her hair cut short and remember I got mine chopped off not too long ago, so I asked Karli if she wanted shorter hair and she was all for it. I cut cute layers and everything.

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Missing my girl

My baby girl is staying the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house tonight for the first time. My parents decided that for the next few weekends each of the kids will have a turn at spending the night at their house. I can’t understand why they can’t take them all at once. I mean how much trouble can 4 kids be? HAHAHA!

This is the first time Karli has stayed the night anywhere else than her own bed except for when she has been with us on vacation. This is sort of a big deal. I actually went out of my way to spend the entire day with her today before she left. When we were cuddling on the couch watching TV she was being so funny. I was missing her already and she wasn’t even gone yet. First she was saying that this girl that was bleeding and fell down (she was pregnant) on TV slipped and fell in a pile of ketchup. Then when I told her I loved her she replied with, “I know”. Nice.
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Young Love

My oldest son Andrew will be a teenager this year. The big 1-3! I was talking to my best friend from high school on the phone today and she was saying how she can’t believe I have 4 kids, let alone a son that is about be to be teenager. It is crazy, although for some reason I am excited about having a teenager. Junior high school, new clubs and activities, bigger school projects, GIRLS! This momma is ready!

So far Andrew hasn’t been that much into girls. Last year he liked this girl for the entire year but he never told her. Whenever I was at the school I would see her talk to Andrew and I could see that she liked him. I told him as much and he would just deny it and act all shy about it. I thought it was totally adorable and honestly I have enjoyed the innocence of the whole thing. Only a couple of his friends are girl crazy and the rest of them don’t really care one way or the other if they have a girl that they like. I’ve always told myself to enjoy it while it lasts.

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No sense of time

Earlier this week Blake was playing on the family computer and Chase wanted a turn. Blake had just started so we told Chase that it would be his turn in 20 minutes. He wasn’t happy with this answer so he started bargaining for a better amount of time. Chase said, how about 5 minutes. Ken said, nope 30 minutes. Chase said, 10 minutes. Ken said nope, 40 minutes. Chase said no, 1 minute. Ken said, okay fine, 1 hour. Chase was so excited he started jumping up and down and said to Blake, Haha Blake, Daddy said I get the computer in 1 hour!

One more funny… Today Chase and I were in Subway getting lunch. There was quite a long line and Chase was providing plenty of entertainment for all the folks around us. He seen that they had cookies and he asked if he could have some. I said sure, but wait until it is our turn. He asked if the cookies were free, and I heard a few chuckles from a couple of guys behind us. I said, no Chase, nothing is ever free. Then as we were leaving he goes, Come one mom, let’s go home and take big fat daddy his lunch.


Little problem child

They say admitting you have a problem is the first step. My 7 year old is really causing me to wonder about my parenting skills. I know he is probably just one of those kids who is going to test his limits and keep me on my toes. Typical middle child and it doesn’t help that he looks and acts just like his father did when he was a kid. But how oh HOW do I deal with not wanting to wring his neck every day?

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