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blog, holidays & occassions

Christmas vacation started early

The kids had their second snow day (no school) this week today. Christmas Vacation has officially started. Yo.

Yesterday I spent the later part of the day making 4 different kinds of cookies to make treat bags for the kids teachers along with their gifts. A waste. I also had to send in cut-out cookies, non-frosted, with a container of frosting for Chase’s class. A waste. I guess I will let the kids decorate them instead. I suppose I can’t complain. Andrew studied all night for a history test that now will not take place until next year. Did I mention he got all A’s on his grade card? Remember how I was worried about him getting the hardest history teacher in the entire school? He pulled off an A!! How cool is that?

I uploaded some new photos at Flickr today. Figured I better get them posted before Christmas is here. Just some pics from Chase’s birthday and miscellaneous. Well gotta run… Ken and I are going to watch The Love Guru, while the kids are all occupied doing their own thing. It’s one of those movies that I really don’t care to watch, but will watch anyways just to be able to say I have seen it.

Thanksgiving Day at my aunt's house

Chase's 6th Birthday party

We are celebrating Christmas with my mom, dad, niece Emma and her dad on Sunday. Tomorrow I will have to clean my house a little bit, but other than that we are ready to go! Everything bought and wrapped. We will do our Christmas (where Santa comes) on Christmas Eve because Andrew goes to his dad’s this year for Christmas Day. So then on Christmas Day all we will have to do is go to Ken’s brothers house. They moved closer, so they are having it at their house this year since we have had it the past 7 years. Excited that I don’t have to cook! Just bringing lots and lots of cookies now that I have them left over!

doggy dogs


My poor baby Tori is freezing from having to go potty out in the snow!
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Missing Money

Andrew, my 13 year old, got tons of money for his birthday back in October. He spent some of it, but he was treasuring the hundred dollar bill that my parents gave him. Today while making his Christmas list he found something that he wanted to spend his birthday money on. These Under Armour athletic shoes which I think are ugly, but it’s his money and his feet. I told him I had no problem buying them with my credit card, but I wanted the money from him today. He went to the spot where he thought he hid his money and it was gone. We must have searched this house for 2 hours looking for the money. I also threatened the other kids with a phone call to Santa to ask him if he seen any of them touching Andrew’s money. Cause, you know, Santa sees everything. They all said they didn’t touch it. We searched their rooms too, just in case. I can’t believe he lost $100. I am sure it will show up, but who knows when. I can tell you though, it is taking everything out of me to not just buy the shoes for him. But he is 13 and we are trying to teach him responsibility.

It reminds me though of one year when I was cleaning my kitchen junk drawer sometime in the Spring and I found the Christmas card that Ken’s parents gave us with a $100 bill in it. I couldn’t believe that we forgot about it! I would like to open a drawer and find a few of those laying around. Ha!

movies & tv


I thought the Twilight movie was amazing! I have read a lot of negative reviews and I have to say I totally disagree. I was completely sucked in by Edward’s looks. His eyes, his voice, his hair…yum. The only complaint I have about him is the lip color was a bit much. While I liked all the actors that were cast for the various roles, there were two people who I didn’t fall in love with immediately. Rosalie was a little off and I didn’t exactly care for Jacob right away. I thought the best match in terms of what I imagined from reading the book was Jessica, Bella’s friend. She was perfect, RIGHT? (LOL…you will only get that if you seen the movie!)

One thing that I didn’t notice at all was the music that was played throughout the movie. In a couple reviews they commented that the music did not match the scenes and that it was too loud in some scenes. I was so sucked in by Bella and Edward that I can not recall even one song that was played during the movie. Sort of strange since I am almost into music as much as I am movies, but I really didn’t notice any of the music except for a scene where Edward played the piano.

I wonder why the director felt so compelled to have so many close up scenes of Edward and Bella’s faces? Did anyone else catch that? Close ups are nice, but after awhile it gets to be a bit much.

Anyone else see the movie yet? What did you think?

movies & tv


I was actually jumping up and down in the theatre! Andrew was quite embarassed. I don’t care, I have waited for this day for so long. No matter how crappy my week was this makes it all better. The kids are watching Bolt with Ken. Alone time and a long awaited movie….. Ahhhhh……
None of my friends read the book and I was going to have to wait until the weekend if I went with them. No way! This is the first showing of the movie, that is how bad I wanted to see it.
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Memory Lane Trip #2

I was looking through some photos and some old videos that I had taken with my camera and figured I was past due for sharing some oldies but goodies. It’s kind of silly because really all I need to share is like one photo from 2004, but it is too hard to choose just one. So here are some of my favorites from 2004. Or you can go to Flickr and view the entire set there. Oh and P.S., be nice, I was pregnant and/or just had Karli in these photos. Honestly though I think I look better in these pics than I do now…lol, isn’t that a riot. Not!

Andrew & Blake
Blake and Andrew…. my gosh Andrew looks so young!

Andrew after getting his tonsils out
Andrew had just gotten his tonsils out, but yet he will still smile for a photo!

Blake and Chase
One of my favorite photos of Blake and Chase together.

Chase after spaghetti dinner
Yum, spaghetti!

Me, Blake and my niece Emma
My Niece Emma was born in January 2004.

Me & the kids
Me and the boys!

At the Zoo
Ken and the boys at the zoo.

Karli is here!
Baby Karli is born!

You know what…there are 12 other pictures in the set at Flickr. I am afraid if I post them all this page will never load on some of your computers. Go to Flickr to see the rest.




Tonight I cleaned Karli’s room and I found this creation. She said she was trying to turn her horse into a unicorn! This is the Real Pony – Smores… for those who are wondering what in the world they are looking at!

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music & concerts


The Coldplay concert was amazing! Definitely one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Chris Martin is a maniac and so much fun to watch. It’s almost like watching a grown up Chase running around on stage. I wonder if he drinks a lot of Red Bull or something? I wish I had a third of that kind of energy. Then again if I was touring and performing all around the world almost every night rather than sitting in this leather chair behind my computer screen I would probably have more energy too.

I have some videos as well at the Flickr set here.

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08

Coldplay concert 08