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doggy dogs


I decided to name my baby girl Tori even though everyone except Michele voted for Bella. I actually had the name Tori picked out even before I found a puppy and I probably would have regretted not sticking with it. Tori is an absolute doll. She loves me almost as much as I love her. She follows me everywhere and cries when she can’t see me. It’s almost like having a newborn in the house again. The one night I was cuddling with her at the edge of my side of the bed before I put her in her bed and Ken came in and asked if I was breast feeding her. LOL…the atmosphere was just like it was when I used to nurse our babies at night. My bedside lamp on, the tv real low, etc. It was funny.

Fresh from her bath

There is an entire photo album full of pictures of Tori here, which actually includes photos of her when she was first born. Tori has had a sweater on already, lots of bows. She even had her first bath tonight, which the above photo was taken after her first bath. The kids love her, but they know she is my puppy. We went to the Notre Dame vs. Purdue football game in South Bend on Saturday and I almost didn’t go because I didn’t want to leave her. I was nervous about leaving her with the kids and my parents all day. I don’t take my eyes off her. On the way home that night I told Ken I missed her so much! I am going crazy I think. Maybe this is my way of dealing with not being able to have any more babies.

doggy dogs

It’s A Girl!!

My wonderful, amazing, extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, super, terrific, marvelous, husband bought me a new baby girl.
She is the cutest thing EVER. I have been addicted to searching the internet for the perfect Yorkshire Terrier puppy for the past 2 months. I wanted one for my birthday SO BAD. But up to my birthday, which was last Friday, I couldn’t find the perfect one. I knew that as soon as I seen the perfect dog, I would know that she was mine. The plan would be to then begin begging and pleading to Ken. Unfortunately my birthday came and went and I still kept mentioning that I wanted a Yorkie, but didn’t push it too hard because I didn’t want him to go and buy just any Yorkie, I wanted to pick her out. I was pretty bummed that I had not found my puppy by then.
Yesterday morning I seen my baby girl advertised in the local paper. I KNEW she was meant for me. The begging and pleading was initiated full force from the minute that Ken woke up yesterday. I picked her up today around 3 o’clock. She is everything I dreamed she would be and more. She is 12 weeks old and weighs a little more than 2 pounds. It was love at first sight I tell ya.

We haven’t settled on a name yet. I wanted to name her Tori… but the gal I got her from had named her Bella… which I do sort of love, especially the whole Twilight thing. (The lead character in the book is Bella.) What do you think?!! Tori or Bella or does something else pop out at you?

New Baby Girl




I’ve been spending all my time slowly trying to adjust to the kids being back to school. Getting up early is by far the biggest hurdle and then there is all the homework and reading with both Blake and Chase every night. Not to mention eating dinner early because of football. Poor Karli is probably getting a little bored, but she seems to be enjoying the house to herself everyday. She starts preschool next week. I’ve been working my buns off and I am still not totally caught up from taking 2 months off during the summer. Ken has turned over more work to me also. Who knows what he is doing down there in the dungeon, probably playing online poker. This weekend is going to be another busy one. Saturday night Ken and I are going on a casino bus trip fundraiser for the football team. It should be fun even though I dislike gambling…I have way more things that I like to do with money.


First day of school – 2008

That was quite a day. Busy, but enjoyable.

Andrew's first day of junior high schoolI woke Andrew up at 6am (OMG, waking up that early stinks SO bad it is not even funny…who wakes up when it is still dark outside!!) so he would have plenty of time to get ready. Plus you never know what time the bus is going to get there the first week. Yesterday and today the bus didn’t arrive until almost 7am so I think I can push waking up to at least 6:20…yay! I said I was going to work out from the time that Andrew left the house until I have to wake up the other kids at 8am, but man, I am dragging butt. I don’t know if that is going to happen. Maybe once I get used to being an early bird.

Anyways, back to Andrew. His first day went pretty well except for the “group” that he is in for his core classes. He has this kid who has been a problem student for years. He challenges teachers with stupid questions and does whatever he can to disrupt the class. Yesterday he already ticked off one of the teachers by getting up and sharpening his pencil during class when they were told not too. Then he proceeded to argue with her when she told him he was not following the rules. I hope he ends up in detention real soon so he will hopefully realize this isn’t elementary school anymore. It makes you wonder what in the world is going on at home for this kid to act like that. Andrew said he was bummed that the only kids he got in his class he doesn’t have much in common with, but then he said that at least he won’t have a problem paying attention and getting good grades. I know it’s hard though, to be a teen and not have good friends with you all day long. He enjoyed lunch hour at least and was able to sit with all his buddies. No homework the first day, bummer! LOL!

We took Blake and Chase into school for the first day and tried to explain to them how to get to their classrooms from the drop off zone. Blake was all disoriented because now he is down a hallway that is opposite the direction he has been walking the past 4 years. Chase is all like, yay, I know where I am going, just follow me attitude, which makes me nervous. He has to walk the opposite way from Blake and I worry that he is going to get distracted by socializing and not find his way. I know there are plenty of people around to help, but it is so chaotic that he could get lost in the shuffle very easily. It cracks me up how social Chase is though, like just on the way to class he seen some kid with a backpack for Star Wars Clone Wars and he said, “Hey, have you seen that movie yet, is it good?” The kid, who was a bit older than Chase turned to see who was talking to him and when he seen it was Chase and that he didn’t know who Chase was he ignored him and kept on walking! I thought it was cute, Chase my little social butterfly. In his classroom there were students lined up to check in with the teacher before hanging up their backpacks. She was asking them if they packed their lunches or if they were buying and if they take a bus home, etc. The boy in front of Chase was hanging on his moms leg and being very shy. Chase seen him and started mimicking him. I was like, “Chase, what are you doing? Your not shy.” He just kept snuggling with my leg. Then a girl walks up and she was crying pretty hard, poor thing. Chase then was trying to hide his face. I pushed his chin up to see what was wrong and his eyes were all red and a tiny bit teary. When I asked him what is wrong he said that the other kids were making him sad. He said he wasn’t scared, but it was sad for them. How sweet is that?

Blake and Chase - Kindergarten & 3rd grade Chase's first day of Kindergarten

Blake had a good day as well. He said his teacher is really nice. He brought this paper home full of questions about the teacher like what is her dogs name, how old is she, etc. Apparently the teacher told everyone about herself and then she passed out the questions. Blake missed like half of them! I asked him what the deal was and he smiled and said, “Yea, my teacher said I should pay more attention.” Umm, ya think? He is such a day dreamer, just like his mommy. I was like that quite often, even in college. Blake is definitely my scatter brain of the bunch.

Karli doesn’t start preschool for a couple more weeks. The house was so quiet yesterday it was almost strange. Don has Emma this week so I am watching her a few afternoons this week. Karli and Emma had fun yesterday, but I was only able to work a half day. It was still nice to work and not have to stop what I was doing every 20 minutes to deal with the kids. I love my family, but I gotta say, school is great. Bless all those teachers for helping me keep my sanity. It’s sad that summer is over, but I am looking forward to the new school year.


Back to school…almost!

Last night was Open House for Blake and Chase, although school doesn’t officially start until next Tuesday. They were able to go in and meet their new teacher and drop off all their school supplies. It works out really nice actually. They both have great teachers this year. It’s amazing to me how much Chase and Blake are extreme opposites. Chase went into his classroom, talking a mile a minute about his new shoes and new backpack. He wanted to show his new teacher his “cute lil sister” too. I can’t even remember what else he was talking about since I was so busy putting his supplies where they are suppose to go and signing up to help out for the holiday parties. The teacher probably thought we are non-involved parents considering I didn’t ask her one single question. We introduced ourselves and Chase and pretty much were on our way. I do remember Ken saying that Chase was in Young 5’s last year so he is pretty comfortable with being at school. The whole process gets so much easier with each child. I am more nervous about Andrew starting Junior High than I am Chase being in Kindergarten. The unknown is always more scary. Chase is such an outgoing, energetic, lovable child that the only thing I have to worry about with him is him talking too much and driving the teacher crazy.

Chase's Kindergarten Teacher

Blake’s teacher seems so sweet! Andrew never had her so I don’t know much about her. I have several friends whose kids had her and they all loved her. Blake is opposite from Chase in the sense that he is so shy when he first meets anyone, especially other adults. He didn’t have much to say, but listened to what his teacher said quietly. Finally he gets an actual desk for all of his stuff! Up until this year he always had teachers who preferred the students sit at tables of 4 kids each, verses having a desk. He was pretty excited about having a flip top desk finally. I should have taken a picture of Blake’s classroom. It was the cleanest I have ever seen a classroom in my life. Organization is my biggest pet peeve. I love his teacher already.

Blake's 3rd Grade Teacher

I am so very excited about being back to work next week! Ken has been so busy the past three weeks, which is great, but stressful. On top of being busy he has had football practice every day (M-F), so we eat dinner by 4:30 every day and him, Blake, and Andrew are gone from 5:30 – 8:30 every night. Thankfully, once school starts next week they will only have practice 3 days a week. I am anxious about getting a good routine going starting next week.

Karli doesn’t start preschool for a couple more weeks, but she is a piece of cake to manage when the boys are not around. My baby is growing up too fast… here she is getting her pink chair from my grandma for her birthday.


Chase’s first fish

The boys fished out at Ken’s brother’s house. It was Chase’s first time and he said it was practice so now he can go out on my dad’s boat. Ken was impressed by my fishing skills. My dad used to take my sister and I out on his boat for hours and hours. Now I find the whole thing kind of boring and disgusting. But today I did it for the kids.


Golf Gear

Like my new hat? I got it in Myrtle Beach from the Ron Jon Surf Shop, although it is the brand Roxy. We just got done golfing, it was quite fun. Blake was quite proud of himself for getting the highest score. Haha! I was most excited about finding my light pink Notre Dame baseball cap, which was stuffed down into a pocket of my golf bag. I have been looking for that thing for over a year, I thought I lost it!



The kids and I made the dreaded trip to Wallymart and Target today for school supplies. Everything was already all unorganized and over picked at the stores. I hate when that happens. I don’t think anyone is even back to school yet here in Michigan…why the stores are already a mess I don’t know. I guess everyone wants to get there shopping done early. We only went this week because Andrew will be gone to his dad’s house all next week and I didn’t want to wait until the week before school starts. Our kids don’t go back until September 2, cool I know :p

Blake and Andrew have been whining about how sore they are from football. This week is basically all conditioning and it is really hard on them I know. But the whining, oh my! All through the stores it was nonstop. Blake at 8 years old wanted to ride in the cart! I can’t wait until this week is over.

We haven’t been in our pool since getting home from vacation. That’s how busy we have been, which is just silly. I have no idea what we are doing. Besides sleeping until 10am every day. LOL! We are still on vacation sleeping patterns. I went to bed about 1:30am last night.