
Licensed Driver

License Driver

I was definitely ready for the kids to go back to school today. We haven’t worked for two weeks and the first part of December was sporadic due to shopping and preparing for Christmas. I am so ready to get back on a schedule. Somehow with all the Christmas craziness I forget to blog about something pretty huge….ANDREW GOT HIS DRIVERS LICENSE!!! I know I have made several status updates on Facebook, but I know not everyone here follows me on Facebook. So yea, my KID is driving. BY HIMSELF. How did this happen? He doesn’t leave our little town. He is on mostly country roads with not too much traffic. I haven’t let him go to the shopping mall or anywhere in Toledo. I feel like he needs more practice and there is no need to rush things. I’m embarrassed to share that he flunked his test the first time. Not because he did anything wrong, but because his car didn’t pass inspection. I checked all the things on the list prior to his test however I forgot about the stinking red brake light right above the trunk. You know the one right in the middle? I didn’t even notice it because both bulbs were burned out. So it was an automatic failure. When he was able to do the test though he did really well. His maneuverability was amazing, probably better than I could do. He did get some points marked off for not turning his head side to side enough when making turns at lights though. Which I am wondering how the test guy even noticed since he couldn’t stop talking the entire time which was very distracting. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that there was a massive downpour during his test. The rain was coming down so hard he had to drive like 45 miles per hour on the expressway. It was insane! I don’t know how it is in your state, but here the parent sits in the back during the test. That was quite the experience. I’m just glad that’s all over and he has his license.

Andrew has made several grocery store runs for me. He went for the first time a week ago with the other kids in the car to take them to CCD. It is also nice that he can go pick up his friends and girlfriend when they come hang out at the house. It is a blessing and curse all at once really. He is driving Ken’s second car- a Buick Regal for now. Andrew’s dad and I are discussing getting him his own official car in the Spring once he has more practice and gets a job. He is supposed to start working at a friend of mine’s Mexican restaurant in the next week or so. Just washing dishes a night or two each week. I really don’t want him to get a job at all. I prefer he focus on school and sports, but right now his schedule is pretty light in terms of classes/studying. Spring is going to be wicked though with a busy baseball schedule and harder classes. We will see how it goes, he may have to quit work in the Spring and start back up in the Summer. Life of a teenager…so tough huh? I just keep thinking about how I am not ready for this, but it all keeps happening anyways. Next thing I know he will be at Senior Prom and planning to leave for college. { Sad Face }

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  • Reply Jules January 3, 2012 at 10:25 pm

    Congrats to Andrew!

    My son turns 16 in February. He’s had his permit since last April but has to wait a full year before he can take his test for his license. So hopefully we will have a licensed driver by the end of April vacation. I would love to have someone that could help with all the drop offs and pick ups from sports and dance and everything else in which the kids are involved. Must be nice :) I can’t wait…lol.

    • Reply Candi January 3, 2012 at 11:22 pm

      Thanks Julie! It is nice but also so nerve racking at the same time. I think once he gets some more experience I will feel better about it.

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