Monthly Archives

January 2013

weight loss

Video #5 of Can Fat People do the Insanity Workout – Final Thoughts

Some sort of miracle occurred and I was able to get the iMac running long enough this morning to save the videos files I had made. I thought I had saved the actual iMovie file and I had borrowed my neighbors MacBook to try and extract the video, but I didn’t save it correctly. My only option was to use Windows Movie Maker, which OMG- come on Windows, you can do better than this. It’s time to change this software up a bit, don’t you think? You can’t do any type of fancy picture-in-picture or edit the voiceovers or anything extra. At least I am able to share my latest video. Just ignore that it looks like the coloring is from the 1970’s. Pretend it’s just the retro version or something.

So yea, here are all mclosing remarks on the series – Can Fat People do the Insanity Workout? It’s the end of the series, at least for now, I may try to start it back up again in a month or so. First I plan on getting on the treadmill and elliptical and build some endurance back up again. Starting over stinks, but I’m not getting any results by doing nothing that is for sure.

I have created 4 more videos in this series-
See all of the videos in the playlist here at YouTube. Thanks for watching :)
Subscribe for future weight loss and fitness videos and blog posts!

Daily Nuggets

–> Dropped off the iMac at the shop, only $75 for them to install the hard drive + the cost of the hard drive. Totally worth it.

–> The first DLC maps come out for Black Ops II on January 29th! Woo hoo! Even though I hardly every play and still don’t know my way around the current maps. Maybe I should make some gaming videos on how NOT to play, because I’m not that great. My KD is like .60 or something like that.

–> FYI – I write all of my blog posts and such very late at night and set them up to post in the morning and then I share on Facebook whenever I get around to it during the day. I DO WORK during the day despite what some may think!


iHate iMac

There have been many new subscribers to my YouTube Channel this month and some have left comments telling me to keep at it or to please update them on my progress. All of these are on the series I made called “Can Fat People Do the Insanity Workout?” The guilt finally set in and I figured it was time I hang my head in shame and admit that I never did finish the second month of Insanity. Today I had recorded a video (several times, ugh – it’s hard getting back into talking to a camera again) and just got done with editing and our iMac started acting up again. The spinning beach ball from hell is what I call it. Of course I had already deleted the video clips on my Flip camera so now I can’t upload the video. After doing some research (sometimes I just hate Google- it’s a never ending vortex of information- some of it conflicting) I feel pretty confident in saying that the hard drive needs replaced. After all of the reformatting and crap that I did several months ago resulting in the same issues, it’s just gotta happen. I am going to call our local Mac repair shop and see how much it will cost for them to install the new hard drive for me. If it’s more than a few hundred dollars I will do it myself since I can get a new hard drive for about $150. I have never taken apart an iMac before and it doesn’t look to hard. But this does not work into all of the things that I have to do right now. PLUS I can not upload my video now and the footage is lost. This was me about an hour ago when I was slowly accepting I now have to rerecord the video and then figure out how to use Windows Movie Maker on my PC to edit it instead.


And did I mention how I use the iMac to watch tv shows or movies while I am working!? Now I have to work in silence until I get it fixed. The horror!!

Daily Nuggets (something new I am going to do at the end of my posts, you should do it too!)

-> We took all four dogs to the vet today, there was a lot of bleeding going on. I think the vet used too large of a needle to test for heartworm. Then he clipped one of Tori’s nails too short. It was a mess.

-> The snow is almost all melted!! What if it didn’t snow again all winter? That would be AMAZING!

-> Ken is resigning from being head of our youth football organization. He still wants to coach, but we just can’t be in charge anymore. It takes too much time away from us during the day (in the fall) and when you run your own business, that just doesn’t work out very well. Two years was enough. Still kinda sad though.


Growing like weeds

When did this happen? Proof of how time flies. Love Andrew’s buzz cut, his souvenir from going to football camp over the summer- a buzz cut for his school picture! It’s tradition for all of the football players to shave their heads at camp. I can’t say that I like Andrew’s hair that short either. He looks like he wants to kill someone. And let’s not even get into how Andrew wore the same shirt for school photos this year as last year. It seems like he wants everyone to be clear that he is an American. All the kids look so old. And who agrees that if Karli and Chase could easily pass for twins? I tell Karli all the time if she chopped her hair off she would look exactly like Chase.

Andrew - 17 years old Blake - 12 years old

Chase - 10 years old Karli - 8 years old

I also never shared these photos from the football season. January appears to be the month of organization for me, literally. So don’t mind me while I catch up on some posts. I love Chase in his football photo, what a little stud.

Andrew Blake

Chase Karli

(Sports Photos taken by GSK Creations)


Don’t call me when you need a plumber

It never fails whenever I attempt a project around the house something always go wrong. The kids bathroom needed painted…remember it was on my list? While I was preparing the bathroom for painting I had the brainy idea of fixing their faucet. A couple of months ago Ken had to replace the seal on one of the knobs because water kept leaking. When he put the faucet back together he put the knobs on the wrong way and you had to turn the handle the opposite way to turn the water on and off. It drove me crazy and I rarely even used the faucet in that bathroom. So you know where this is going right…plumbing and me do not mix. Just ask Ken how many times I have clogged up the garbage disposal and have tried to fix it myself.

I’m pretty familiar with how to take the handles off the faucet after all I do clean the inside of them every year or so. What? Don’t tell me you do yours more often than that. After I got the handles off I used this set of pliers that came with my “girl” tool set that I have had since my “single mom” years. See house repairs and I go way back, oh the stories I could tell. As I slowly loosened the nut around the faucet it suddenly popped off and water was spraying around the bathroom like a geyser. I’m not sure exactly what it looked like because I had to close my eyes it was spraying that hard. Luckily I knew where and how to turn the water off pretty quickly under the vanity. WHY I didn’t turn it off BEFORE I started playing around with the faucet is still a great question. The answer is honestly I didn’t know you had to. My explanation would be I didn’t think water came up to the faucet, you know wherever it comes from, UNTIL you turned the faucet on. How was I supposed to know that water is sitting there just waiting for you to turn the knob so it could come out? This is why I should not being doing anything with plumbing.

Cleaning up the mess wasn’t too bad. Karli and Chase had heard the loud pop and came running and I had told them to grab every towel they could find. They each grabbed about 5 towels each and we had it sopped up in no time. This included the water all over the ceiling as well. That was quite the experience.

I also can’t leave out the other brilliant idea I had in Blake and Chase’s bedroom. I wanted to install some new shelves because their trophies and memorabilia were no longer fitting on the two small shelves they currently had. Those shelves needed to be moved to another spot and I had some larger shelves laying around that I was going to use. After I got everything ready I had Ken patch all of my holes with whatever that dry wall goop is called. I let is dry and then I touched up all the spots with light blue paint. I figured while I was on a roll I would go ahead and touch up all the spots on their wall that needed touched up. I’ve have done this for years in all the rooms in our house. The light blue paint dried perfectly fine. As for the darker blue, not so much. It looks terrible!! So terrible I am going to have to paint the entire room. I guess the paint is no longer any good or maybe the paint on their walls faded. Who knows. Thankfully the dark blue color is only on half of their room. I’m so frustrated because the plan is probably next summer when Andrew goes away to college to paint the entire bedroom a different color because Chase will be moving into Andrew’s room and and all the bedrooms will be getting new carpet. Did I mention how much I despise painting?

Not good :(

At least their bedroom looks nice and organized now. I even installed one of Ken’s bulletin boards that he doesn’t use above Chase’s bed because he is always taping things to the wall. I hung those two plaques like that for a reason. One if a Dan Marino football card and the other is a wrestling award. I told Chase I am making room for more wrestling awards that he will be getting this year. Hint hint…and he liked that idea.

Boys bedroom

Boys bedroom

Lesson learned: Turn off the water underneath before messing with plumbing. Or even better, leave the plumbing to Ken.

Don’t even ask about electrical. One time I thought I could switch the dimmer switch in our bathroom from above our sinks to the light above our garden tub. I’ve seen the inside of a light switch before…just a couple of wires to connect. How hard could it be right? Well I screwed it up so much Ken couldn’t even fix it we had to have a friend who is an electrician come fix it. Hey at least I am independent and don’t make long Honey Do Lists for Ken all the time. However I think I create even more work for him the way I mess things up!

recipes & crafts

Cookie decorating… I did it!

Sharing my first attempt at making my own cookie dough and frosting from scratch…and sharing the recipes with you!

Back in October I had written a short list of things that I had on my TO DO list. How ironic is it that while so many are writing about their goals for 2013, I am going to write about the things that I have accomplished. YES! See that is the thing- you should always continue to make goals, you should always be thinking of ways to better yourself. The part that so many people forget to take the time for is acknowledging the goals that you have accomplished. Am I right?

So I’m going to toot my own horn hear and say that I actually made some pretty darn good cookies this year. As I mentioned in the other post, I had purchased a bunch of supplies to make these cookies before Halloween and for whatever reason I never got around to making them. The guilt set in and the weekend before Christmas I decided it was time to see if I could make these fancy pants cookies that I have seen so many others make. I wanted the perfect looking frosted ones, not the ones where you just use a butter knife to smear frosting all over the cookie.

I set up my laptop to watch listen to Gossip Girl and gathered all the supplies. I was most excited about being able to use my KitchenAid mixer. Don’t tell me that you don’t think playing with kitchen appliances is fun, you know it is!

Attempting to make sugar cookies and frosting from scratch.

The dough I made smelled so good. I’ve made dough from scratch before, but I can’t recall whether or not the recipe called for almond extract. I don’t think I will ever try another sugar cookie recipe again, this one was absolutely perfect. The perfect combination of sexy and cute. Whhhhaaa? That is just a line from Crazy, Stupid, Love, one of my favorite movies that I just finished watching. I’ve only seen it about 6 times!

The dough recipe that I used is from Bake at 360. The site is full of information. They have tons of video tutorials as well. I tried a couple of the methods for rolling out the dough and I ended up doing a mixture of them all. I taped a long sheet of wax paper to my countertop and I used 1/4 inch wooden rods that I also taped down to use as a guide because I can’t roll out dough very evenly without a guide. I used wax paper on top of the dough for awhile, but ended up just using flour on top of the dough instead. I also laid parchment paper down on my cookie sheets as the videos on the website recommend, which is something I have never done before. I just left the parchment paper on the cookie sheet and used the same one over and over again.

I had doubled the recipe and it made 7 dozen cookies. The cutouts I used were on the smaller side. Bake at 350 suggests freezing your cutout cookies on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes before baking and I did not do this. As for baking time the recipe suggests 10-12 minutes and I used the entire 12 minutes which was surprising because my oven usually takes less time than stated on most recipes. I would test it out a bit to see what works best for you.

That took a little longer than expected. 7 dozen ready to be frosted tomorrow ;)

I ended up cutting out and baking all the cookies and decorating them the next day. I knew it would take me awhile to make the frosting and mix the colors and such since it was my first time making frosting from scratch. I also LOVED this frosting recipe, which I also found at Bake at 350. I doubled this recipe as well and had more than enough and made several different colors. Make sure if you use this frosting recipe you do keep your containers covered with saran wrap as the frosting will dry up pretty quickly.

FLOODING!!! I was most excited about trying the outlining and flooding methods used to make these fabulous cookies! When you do these methods you have to thin out your frosting to put it in a squeeze bottle to flood the cookies. This calls for a bit of planning until you are comfortable with predicting how much of each color to set aside for outlining and how much for flooding. I ended up doing all my outlining first and then flooding last. I had my entire island countertop covered in cookies and frosting. It took me several hours to decorate all of the cookies, but I was so proud of myself at how well they turned out. As you can see I did used some sparkly sprinkles as well. So fun! Be sure to check out the Bake at 350 website for all of their awesome tutorials and cookie decorating ideas. Let me know if you have any questions on how I made these cookies. Also let me know of any websites that you use for cookie decorating.

These photos don’t quite show the details of the outlining and flooding like I wish they would. Again, I need to start using my Canon camera. I definitely don’t have the most steady hands and I loved how your lines didn’t have to be perfect to create a nicely decorated cookie. Not to shabby for my first time, right?

Not too bad for my first time making cookies this way!

More cookies...

And some more...

Can't forget the gingerbread men and one gingerbread lady!

I seriously can not wait for the next holiday to make more cookies. Probably Valentine’s Day!