My kids think that Tori (my Yorkie) is their little play thing. Karli especially will carry her around from room to room pretending like they are best buds. Tori often tries to run and growl at Karli, but she doesn’t always succeed… Like today.
Conversation with Karli after I found these photos on the computer when I got home.
Me: Karli, do you think Tori likes being tortured like that?
Karli: How would I know? I am only in first grade! And they haven’t taught me anything this year! Especially about dogs…I haven’t learned one thing about dogs this year.
Poor Tori, but ha, this made me laugh right out loud.
Glad I could make ya laugh… I wish you had an extra day to come spend at my house for awhile. Too bad you couldn’t trade your ticket in to fly back a day later. You would get a kick out of these kids, it would bring back memories of your kiddos being this age for sure!