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weight loss

Week Three Weigh In – Hubby is a LOSER!!

Ken did awesome this week….a 10 pound weight loss! I however only weighed in with a 2.4 pound loss….Booooo! We changed up our diet this week which helped Ken tremendously. I followed it best I could with some minor cheating :( I am not as disciplined as Ken, but now that he is beating me percentage-wise…it’s ON for next week. Ken better watch out!

(‘ll write more details about our diet later…gotta get Karli to a birthday party!)

weight loss

Weigh In Week #2

I’m kicking butt! Ha, Okay really I am just kicking Ken’s butt. This week I lost 3.7 pounds which means I lost a total of 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks. Not too shabby. I don’t know what happened with Ken, he started out having a really good week and then I think he blew it last night when he ate Chinese Food. I told ya not to eat that fried rice babe!

My goal for next week is to most definitely break the 10 pound mark. It seems kinda silly to be happy about weighing 227, but I am thinking if I keep at this rate I will be down under 200 by week 11.
Ugh, that doesn’t sound so good when I put it in writing. That 2 months from now.
Well wait that will be the half way point to my goal of 166 so I guess that is not too shabby.
No, no…that means it will take me 22 weeks to lose my goal of 71.4 pounds.
Ummm, that is ONLY 5.5 months. Now THAT makes me excited…to possibly accomplish my goal in 6 months?
Okay, now we all know that might be wishful thinking! But you never know…so quit judging me for being so number crazy!
I’m working on convincing MYSELF people, not you.

My Goals for next week:
Lose 4.2 by next weigh in
Start using free weights to strengthen my muscles and lose fat
Smile…even though this isn’t much fun (yet)
Go to specialty shoe store and get properly fitted for tennis shoes

weight loss

Weekend Recap

A vlog post about our weekend and my attempt to start the Couch to 5K Program.
{I’m catching on that my Flip camera produces horrible quality when used at night with our normal room lighting.}

weight loss

First Weigh In

Today was our first official weigh in for our weight loss videos and unfortunately I don’t have much to be proud of. It’s crazy that a week ago I had lost 3.5 pounds and then this week I ate even less than last week and here we are only a 2 pound total weight loss. How did I gain weight? I’m not too worried about it though. I did blog about some of this already yesterday so I won’t get to detailed, but I will say this is not fun. I feel like I am dragging butt because of not having caffeine and I feel like I am starving myself. Yesterday I literally had eaten next to nothing since today was weigh in and look where it got me. I need to figure out how to eat meals that are going to make me feel better and give me energy.

I am going to start making a checklist for each day and force myself to eat at least 2 fruit and 1 vegetable serving every day. Sounds simple, but it’s not for me. I will also allow myself to have one bad “carb” type food each day as long as I exercise- such as bread or noodles. Ken totally freaks out if I make spaghetti or anything with noodles. He thinks we should be sticking to chicken and rice and I swear right now I wouldn’t care if I didn’t eat chicken the rest of the month. I feel like I am depriving my body of all the things I love at all once and it feels miserable. I feel like I should be concentrating more on portion control and adding healthier foods each day so eventually I crave an apple, instead of chips. To top it off our kids are not thrilled with our food choices and I feel like I am starving them as well and they are all skinny minis already. I am going to work on a menu for next week so we have a plan of what we will have for dinner each day like I used to. Sounds like a plan, let’s see how this goes!!

blog, weight loss

My week so far

Darn, I broke my routine of posting every day so far this year. Some days I was even posting twice. See I have a little secret, I don’t always publish my posts when I write them. I’ll write several posts at one time and them publish them so they post at different times. Trust me, most bloggers do this. Not that anyone noticed, but most of my posts publish first thing in the morning and I can tell you for sure that I don’t write in the morning. My writing would be full of gibberish if that was the case. My best writing is done at night, which is usually the reason why I have been staying up way too late. I’ve been enjoying making videos and editing them for you all. A couple of people asked me what I use to record and edit my videos. I use a Flip camera to record and I use iMovie on our Mac desktop to edit. I was thinking about maybe purchasing Final Cut Pro, but I think it might be a little overkill for the kind of movies I am uploading right now. Maybe someday down the road.

So why haven’t I been posting this week you ask? I have been a very busy worker bee! Every so often I go through these spurts where I just can’t stop working. Actually I think I do my best work when I feel overwhelmed and have tons to do. I also have been slowly working on figuring out our 4th quarter taxes. I’m always trying to get as close as I can to our true amount of tax owed so I don’t send in too much just to turn around and get it back. Not to mention that I have been trying to keep focused on work so I don’t eat as much throughout the day. I haven’t had any Mountain Dew this week and it’s been killing me! I feel so tired and drained and honestly- grumpy. I am going through major withdrawals and my headaches have been fierce. I have replaced Mountain Dew with Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade. It’s pretty yummy, but doesn’t give me the caffeine my body craves unfortunately. That is the whole point though, to get off the caffeine and sugar.

Delicious Crystal Light

I also love these Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters. I love pretty much any kind of chocolate that has caramel and these are so tasty. The package only contains 5 to 6 clusters, but for 120 calories, they are the perfect snack when you are craving chocolate.

Yummy Low Cal snack

I haven’t lost as much weight this week as I thought I would, then again I haven’t exercised either. See, this is the vicious cycle I create. My way of dieting is just not eating much and then I am tired and can’t push myself to exercise. I know, go ahead and tell me how if I would start exercising in the morning I would have more energy throughout the day. Oh and how I can’t lose weight by not eating anything at all. I know all these things, yet I am just not doing things right yet. I’m not too thrilled about our first official weigh in tomorrow, but I am not giving up. I need to create a better routine and stick with it. Just not there yet. I really want to do the Couch to 5K Running Program (again). I’ve never completed it, but I WILL this time!! So who wants to go for a 3 mile run with me on March 25th?? That is when my 9 weeks will end. Hold me to this okay guys.

Ken went to the grocery store the other day because I just can’t wrap my head around what type of foods I want to eat. Nothing sounds good. We told the kids to write down what they wanted because they always complain we have no food in the house. Here was Karli’s list.

Karli's grocery list
Looks like I have a little snacker on my hands! Good thing she is a total bean pole!

weight loss

Weight Loss Update – End of Week One

Just a quick update of how things went this first week. It wasn’t really a full week since we just started on Tuesday – so we didn’t do a weigh in this week. Our first weigh in will be Friday, January 13th.

weight loss

Weight Loss History/Introduction

Here’s a little introduction video in regards to my weight loss history and goals. I just felt like I needed to share that my weight goal has been my normal weight range whenever I have lost weight. Sure I would love to get under 160, but for now…that is what I aiming for. It gets confusing with all the dates that I mention.

Basically I weighed 165 in 1999 when Ken and I got married.
After having 3 kids from 2000 to 2004 I went up an down in weight and by the time Karli was a year old I had lost all baby weight.
I weighed 160-165 in 2005.
I weighed 180-185 in 2007, I had gained back 20 or so pounds for no real reason. Mostly not eating healthy.
In 2007, I started gaining weight each year after Ken and I started our business. My lifestyle changed drastically with working again after being an active stay-at-home mom for all those years. Sitting behind a computer screen all day and focusing on work caused me to be lazy, stressed, and eating unhealthy.
In 2011, I weighed around 235 most of the year.
My starting weight for my LAST EVER weight loss journey is 237.4.
There ya have it!

weight loss

Weight Loss Journey Begins

The time has come where I needed to take some drastic measures to lose weight. I am officially at the highest weight of my entire life. Even 9 months pregnant I did not weigh this much. It’s sad really, when I think about how I have allowed myself to gain so much weight over the past 4 years. What’s done is done and I accept that all I can do is face reality and DO something about it.

I have tried joining several weight loss groups and blog, all anonymously, about my weight issues over the past couple years and I have never stuck with it. It’s hard when you are not receiving any kind of support and know that if you stopped trying tomorrow no one would really care. I have been amazed at the number of YouTubers that have been successful with documenting their weight loss journeys with the world. I think I have mentioned before in our blog before that I adore watching videos of the Shaytards family on YouTube. The father, Shay Carl has tried to lose weight for several years and has always been very open and honest about his struggle to lose weight. It wasn’t until this past year that Shay really put the effort into losing weight that he began to lose weight and keep it off. There were no gimmicks or quick solutions involved. Shay lost the weight the old fashioned way; the real way. He actually ate healthier and exercised. While doing so he documented his journey on his ShayLoss YouTube Channel. It is totally incredible to see his transformation in his videos. I love his attitude and he is so motivational and inspiring to me. I think the most amazing thing is that he is now able to go back and see himself and how he looked anytime he wants.

I would absolutely LOVE to have the option to go back and look at how far I have come once I reach my weight loss goals. I look back at old photos all the time and think about how I felt so much more confident about myself back then. The crazy thing is I have never really felt like I look. It’s almost like I can’t relate to the person I see in the mirror. I just don’t feel like that person that I see at all.

My 40th birthday is this September and I feel like it’s time. Time to get back to my old self. The past 4 years have been amazing in regards to building a great business with my husband and watching our kids grow. It’s so easy to focus 100% of my efforts and life into them and push my desires to the back burner. As I age I realize that not taking care of myself is only hurting my children. I want to be around to see my grandkids and even my great grandchildren. Much of this journey is about getting healthy and feeling more energized each day. I want exercise to be something I feel great about. I want my food choices to include fruits and vegetables and work on limiting the pastas/breads and high calorie foods and snacks. As time goes on I will share more about what changes I am making my diet and what types of exercise I do. I’ll probably post at least once a week an update with what has been going on and we will be posting weekly videos as well. I would absolutely love it if any of you would jump on board and do the same. Please let me know if you do!

The one thing I am the most excited about is that Ken is going to do this with me. He isn’t shy about this sort of thing and is all for my idea of utilizing the internet as a means for accountability. He has said, it’s not like anyone that sees us out in public hasn’t noticed that we have put on weight so why not own it and put it out there so we have no choice BUT to do something about it. Having Ken involved gets me so excited for both of us. We have done this together before 7 years ago and we were actually both at our goal weight at that time. We have decided to aim to lose 30% of our current weight since that is pretty on target when it comes to where we would like to be. We have sort of made it a competition between the two of us and I told him if he reaches his goal he can go get a gun. (This is a whole different topic that I will write about some other time.) I on the other hand don’t really want anything, the weight loss will be reward enough. However…after losing 70 pounds I just might need a tummy tuck. LOL!

We officially started today since it was the kids’ first day back to school and Christmas break is over. We made a short video of our “Starting Weight” and our first weigh in will be next Friday, the 13th. We will weigh in every Friday and the video and blog will get posted by Monday if not sooner.

Wish us luck!!! And be sure to vote in the sidebar who you think will lose 30% of their current weight first!