weight loss

Weigh In Week #2

I’m kicking butt! Ha, Okay really I am just kicking Ken’s butt. This week I lost 3.7 pounds which means I lost a total of 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks. Not too shabby. I don’t know what happened with Ken, he started out having a really good week and then I think he blew it last night when he ate Chinese Food. I told ya not to eat that fried rice babe!

My goal for next week is to most definitely break the 10 pound mark. It seems kinda silly to be happy about weighing 227, but I am thinking if I keep at this rate I will be down under 200 by week 11.
Ugh, that doesn’t sound so good when I put it in writing. That 2 months from now.
Well wait that will be the half way point to my goal of 166 so I guess that is not too shabby.
No, no…that means it will take me 22 weeks to lose my goal of 71.4 pounds.
Ummm, that is ONLY 5.5 months. Now THAT makes me excited…to possibly accomplish my goal in 6 months?
Okay, now we all know that might be wishful thinking! But you never know…so quit judging me for being so number crazy!
I’m working on convincing MYSELF people, not you.

My Goals for next week:
Lose 4.2 by next weigh in
Start using free weights to strengthen my muscles and lose fat
Smile…even though this isn’t much fun (yet)
Go to specialty shoe store and get properly fitted for tennis shoes

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