Monthly Archives

August 2013


Diamond Candles Ring Reveal & Giveaway

Diamond Candles Giveaway

It’s time for another giveaway! I was lucky enough to receive a candle from Diamond Candles and also give one away to one of my lucky readers. If you haven’t heard of Diamond Candles yet you are missing out!

Everyone loves candles right? Well these all natural soy candles have a special surprise inside. Inside each candle you will find a ring valued from $10 on up to $5000! And if you don’t believe that anyone would get a ring worth that kind of money, just check out the Diamond Candles Facebook page and there you will find people who have received rings of value. Plus it’s fun looking at everyone’s photos of their rings! The candles are available in so many wonderful scents such as Chocolate Truffle, Honeydew Melon, Sweety Pea, Watermelon Wedge and much more.

Diamond Candles Giveaway

Of course I wasn’t one of the lucky ones, but jewelry is jewelry right?! Karli loves the ring and has been wearing it every since. I had picked the cupcake candle and it took about 8 hours for the candle to burn down low enough so we could remove the ring. The ring is in a tiny plastic bag and then wrapped in foil.

Diamond Candles Giveaway

Just to give you an idea of what some other types of rings people have received…
Diamond Ring Reveal

Video: Ring Reveal and my thoughts on the candle

Giveaway information

To enter you must use the Rafflecopter widget below. There are several ways you can enter the giveaway and you are able to enter more than once by completing each of the options!
Giveaway will end on Tuesday, September 3rd at 11pm (EST). Winner will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to respond before a different winner will be selected.
U.S. Residents only, 18+ please.
Feel free to share the giveaway with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received one Diamond Candle for review and all opinions are my own. I am not associated with Diamond Candles in any way. No purchase is necessary to enter. A credit card is required to claim your free candle via Your card will not be charged, but is required for processing.


Back to School Supplies Haul

Karli enjoyed making her last video so much, the Back to School Shopping Haul, that she keeps bugging me to make some more videos. She is constantly checking the video to see how many views it has and to read the comments. Her last video has more views than many of my videos and let’s be honest, it’s because more people her age our watching videos than my age! She wanted to make another back to school shopping video with all the other school clothes that she has gotten but we decided to share her back to school supplies instead. These videos seem to be popular among the young’uns as well!

(Most everything in the video was purchased from Target or The Children’s Place. This is not a sponsored video)


First Trip to Lush Cosmetics & Ulta Beauty

I’ve been wanting to purchase products from Lush for quite some time now. Many times I have visited their website and added items to my cart and end up not buying them. I am funny about wanting to see certain things in person first. Especially when it comes to spending $6 on a bath bomb. I want to know how big is it, how does it smell, etc. After browsing around videos on YouTube one day I thought I would check out where the closest Lush store was located. Ann Arbor at the Briarwood Mall was the closest, which isn’t all that far from me, so I decided to make a trip to check it out. I was excited to finally be able to see these fun products in person.

The store did not disappoint. They had so much to pick from it was hard to not go crazy. I stuck to purchasing some bath bombs, a bubble bar, a couple of fresh face masks and their firming cream.

Lush Haul Ayesha Face Mask
Lush Haul

If you’ve never heard of Lush or tried their products you should know that everything in their store is handmade with all natural products. The face masks are actually made that day (can’t be purchased online) and must be kept in the refrigerator. The only downfall of the face masks is that they are only good for 2 – 3 weeks. I’ve used the face masks several times already and I really like them a lot. I purchased the Ayesha and The Sacred Truth face masks. Ayesha is a tightening face mask and is it primarily made up of kiwi and asparagus. The Sacred Truth is a moisturizing mask that is made up of shea butter, eggs, and papaya. The firming cream “Lovely Jubblies“, which is packaged and sold as a breast cream, is great for under your eyes or anywhere on your face really. The sales gal said you can use anywhere on your body, but at $26 a pop, I plan on reserving it for just my face and neck. I can notice a difference when I use the cream, totally worth the money.

The bath bombs I bought are Twilight, Sex Bomb, Big Blue, Avobath, and Enchanter. I purchased just one bubble bar, French Kiss. The bath bombs smell so good and they leave your skin so soft. The fragrance isn’t overwhelming at all and the smell lingers on your skin. The bubble bars are a bit more expensive than the bath bombs. I just used it Friday night and I wasn’t that impressed. For me it had the same results in regards to fragrance and skin softening affect as the bath bomb so I would rather buy one of those since they are a few dollars cheaper. The amount of bubbles it produced wasn’t impressive either. Also all of the bath bombs I have used so far change the color of your bath water where as the bubble bar did not. I do remember the sales gal telling me to mix a bubble bar with a bath bomb, but whoa! Talk about an expensive bath.

Ulta Haul

Believe it or not I had never been to an Ulta store either until this day. I usually buy my makeup products from Sephora, Walgreens, or Target or I make online purchases. It was fun browsing around Ulta and I picked up some things that I have wanted to try for awhile now. I have to admit I love watching YouTube videos where people give their opinion on products. There are so many different brands and products that I would love to try but hearing someone else’s feedback sure helps narrow down the list. I always have a running list on my phone of things that I want to try out.

On this trip I purchased a mixture of brands.
Rimmel Lash Accelorator, Extreme Black – no clumps, goes on smooth, and long lasting.
Maybelline Eye Studio Master Shape Brow Pencil, soft brown – perfect color for filling brows and love the little brush.
Physicians Formula Super Beauty Balm Powder, Medium – love the coverage, but I would love it even more if they had a shade a tad darker.
Urban Decay, Triple Threat Travel Pencil Set – goes on super easily and doesn’t smudge, lasts all day.

Benefit Bella Bamba Blush I feel like the blush isn’t dark enough for my skin, but okay for a natural look.
Urban Decay De-slick Makeup Setting Spray – not convinced that it works just yet.
EOS Lip Balm, Honeysuckle Honeydew – smells good, adorable packaging, but doesn’t last long on my lips.
Benefit Erase Paste, Medium – I’ve yet to find the perfect concealer. This one works well on blemishes, but not so well under my eyes. Others claim its a great brightening product for under the eyes, I don’t agree.

Benefit Besties – a sample portion of Some Kind-A Gorgeous foundation faker and That Gal brightening primer. I just don’t see results with either of these two.

doggy dogs, travel

Vacation that never was

You ever go through a time in your life that was so emotionally draining that you almost don’t even want to talk about it? That’s how I feel about what happened a couple of weeks ago. We had left our house early Sunday morning to take a 5 day road trip in Michigan… a couple of days at Traverse City followed by a couple of days at Mackinaw City and Mackinaw Island.

Headed up North!

On the way to Traverse City we had stopped in Mears, Michigan to ride some dune buggies at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes. The kids had a blast and it really was a lot of fun.

Riding the Dunes #michigan #dunes

Here is some video…

After we left the dunes we traveled towards Traverse City. Just as we entered into the city I got a phone call from our house/dog sitter that our Yorkie Tori had got out of our yard and they couldn’t catch her. She was literally clear across our subdivision where she has never gone before. Tori doesn’t leave the yard when she gets out. She wanders maybe a house or two away, but she always stays nearby. She does go crazy whenever I leave the house so she has had separation anxiety issues I suppose. Right away I panicked because I know she was just trying to find Ken and I. I’ve never felt so helpless before. I mean what could we do since we were 5 hours away from home?

After about 20 minutes I called them back and was told that she had traveled even farther away from home and had crossed a main road. That was it for me, we turned the car around and headed back home. We ended up calling so many people asking for them to come to our neighborhood and help search for Tori. There were many people searching from about 6:30pm until dark. By the time we had arrived home at 11:30 everyone except my parents had gone home. Ken, Andrew and I had searched the area where she was last seen for 2 hours without any luck. Ken got lost in the woods at one point, fell into a hole and his legs were all scratched up and bleeding. Andrew and I had someone nearly run into us as I was driving about 5mph on the opposite side of the road and then the person ended up turning their car around and going after us. It was a surreal night for sure.

The next morning Ken got up and searched for several hours. I made up a flyer and we got hundreds of copies. I posted her info on so many websites and facebook pages it was crazy. My girlfriend came over and helped us look, including in ditches in stuff. It was sad, but also a reality that she could have gotten hit by a car and was laying somewhere dead. So many thoughts were going through my head. There are coyotes in the woods near here, among who knows what else that could have gotten ahold of a small 8 pound dog. We put flyers in 3 different subdivisions near where she was last seen. We stopped every person we seen outside to ask if they had seen her and to please contact us if they do. Problem was I knew that she would not approach anyone. She is not like our other 3 dogs. They would go up to anyone, tail wagging, looking for attention. Tori is the exact opposite, except with us of course.

Lost Dog flyer

Around 7 that evening someone had said they seen a black dog like 2 miles away from our house. We were unsure that she would have traveled that far, but just in case we scoured that entire area for the next 3 hours with several people helping. The feeling that there was no way she was going to be found at this point kept getting stronger and stronger. I felt so sick going to bed that night. After an entire day of searching I felt defeated.

The next morning Ken got up early once again and started looking. He got more copies of the flyer and as he was driving around trying to give them to people and they were saying that they had already seen the flyer at the gas station, the YMCA, or they seen it on Facebook. The word was out. So many people were looking and trying to help us find her. Around 10:30 that morning I felt like I was losing my mind and I begged Ken to just come home so we could just move forward with the next stage. Grieving her loss and hoping that someone had found her and decided to just keep her. He came home for a bit, but after a couple of hours he said he couldn’t just sit there and he wasn’t ready to give up. I ended up going with him and we were in the area 2 miles from our house where someone had said they thought they seen her the night before.

Two hours had gone by and Ken had said that if only someone would call us and say that they had seen her recently that would be so helpful. There were just so many places to look. Around 3:30 I got a phone call to my cell that someone in the subdivision where we had left flyers in their mailboxes had seen her. At first I thought she was going to say she seen her last night or that morning. She was telling me that she seen her near a creek and she tried to cross a busy road, but then a car and motorcycle had to stop and she got scared and ran back to the creek. They were calling her name and they couldn’t find her. When I asked how long ago and she replied just like 5 minutes ago I quickly pointed for Ken to drive in that direction. He went through a red light and passed a car where he shouldn’t have.

We got out of the car near the creek and started yelling out her name. We were walking in people’s backyards that were along the busy road where she had tried to cross. I kept walking and yelling her name hoping to see her come out of the trees along the creek. Something made me look back towards the busy road and there she was walking along someone’s driveway coming towards me. It was such an unbelievable moment. At first I think I thought I was seeing things. I mean after two days of searching in yard after yard for her and envisioning what it would look like if she did come running across someone’s yard, once I seen it happening for real, it almost didn’t feel real.

It was a moment I will never forget. To think that she survived three days and two nights is unbelievable to me. A miracle without a doubt. I don’t think Ken and I have cried so many tears of joy before. My hubby is in love with our dogs probably more than anyone in our house. I know people joke here is this big guy with this little furry dogs, but that’s my man. He is the best :)

Tori's home

She has been spoiled like crazy since then. It took her awhile to finally walk on the grass, she kept staying on the concrete for some reason. She checked out just fine at the vets, but I did have to shave a lot of her fur because it was filled with burrs. She was stinky and dirty to say the least. I still wonder where she might have been the entire time, if she slept or ate anything. What is crazy is she was exactly 1 mile from our home very close to the area where she was last seen on Sunday night and so many people had searched that area from the first day on. Yelling her name over and over again. I just can’t imagine what she must have thought the entire time. Obviously the people who thought they seen her several miles from our house were seeing the wrong dog or something. Anyways, we are blessed beyond belief to have gotten her back. And thank God the woman who seen her had our flyer and called us right away. We offered her a reward and she didn’t want anything. Such a sweet lady!

Tori haircut

Unfortunately we didn’t get to enjoy our little vacation and we have no other time this summer to try and go again. Our crazy busy football and cheer schedule has started up and our month is in full swing. Things happen and you do what you have to do for those you love, even your pets!


July Pictorial

The past couple of weeks I’ve done so much shopping I’m actually sick of shopping. Never thought it was possible, but it’s true. Shopping with boys isn’t much fun either let me tell you. They are done shopping after like 15 minutes and then they just complain and complain. It really is much easier to just buy them things, bring them home and if they hate them I can take them back. Andrew didn’t need much except for a few things for his Senior Photos which are this week. Blake and Chase just needed some shirts and all they really wear is athletic brand t-shirts. Now Karli makes up for all the boys lack. She wants it all. Especially shoes, she’s out of control. I think we are done though even though I could keep buying her more and more.

I almost forgot to share a pictorial for last month!

Tori and Shaggy chillin’ outside.

Kids letting off fireworks and swimming to celebrate the holiday!
Enjoying the day...swimming and fireworks.

Waiting for the fireworks.
Waiting for fireworks!

Second place Chase! Poor kid keeps coming in second in wrestling and now baseball :(
Chase's baseball team too second place for the season. Great job Chase!!

Karli helping with laundry so she can get a Club Penguin account, the game is so silly I don’t know why they play!
Someone is doing chores so she can have a Club Penguin account.

Who took the kids to the drive in to see Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University. I hadn’t been there is probably 10 years!

Karli was so excited to find this Artic Fox mom and baby at a garage sale for $1. Her favorite animal!
Went to lunch and stopped at a few garage sales with my girl today. She was so exited when the first one had these mom and baby Arctic Foxes. Her favorite animal!

Tori finds the strangest places to sleep.
Tori's latest resting spot. Such a strange dog! #yorkie

Pooltime! Hasn’t been too much swimming this summer the weather has been so up and down.
When I told Karli to brush her teeth before going outside she said "I'm just going swimming, it's not Prom!"

Karli hanging out with her baby Tori.
Best buddies #yorkie

True Story!

Books I’ve been reading.
Books I'm reading

Tori having a bad hair day!
Us girls all have them once in awhile. #badhairday

recipes & crafts

Super Easy Salsa

Salsa Recipe

I can’t believe I waited this long to make my own salsa. I never thought it would have tasted so good. This recipe uses canned tomatoes along with some canned rotel, rather than fresh tomatoes because I like my salsa more watery rather than chunky. It is a pretty mild salsa as well. I don’t really like real hot salsas, otherwise I am taking a drink every bite. All you have to do is add all of the ingredients together in a food processor and blend for about 30 seconds – 1 minute.

Super Easy Salsa

1 can (28 Ounce) Whole Tomatoes
2 cans (10 Ounce) Rotel with green chilies (mild)
1/2 Chopped Onion
1 Clove Chopped Garlic
1 whole Jalapeno, Chopped
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cumin
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
Juice from 1 Whole Lime
1/2 cup Cilantro (taste and add more if prefer)

Put all of the ingredients in a food processor and pulse for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Add more Cilantro if you prefer. If you want the salsa even less spicy, don’t add the seeds of the jalapeno pepper. Put salsa in a sealed container in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving.
This is a large batch so if you don’t have a large food processor just add all of the items in a large bowl and blend in batches.

Salsa Recipe

Salsa Recipe


blog, holidays & occassions

Happy 9th Birthday Karli

Happy Birthday Karli

We celebrated Karli’s 9th birthday over the weekend, but today is her actual birthday. Only one more year and our youngest child will be in the double digits. We got Karli a Nook Color and when I helped her set it up we found a new addictive game – Granny Smith. You have to jump and land safely all the while collecting 3 apples and every level gets more difficult. Sounds silly, but just try it – I bet you’ll get addicted too.

Funny thing I was at Barnes & Noble with Karli when she asked for the Nook and she found this cute pig case. It was the last one and I didn’t want to have to order one online or hunt one down so I had bought both things while she was there shopping with me. That’s always fun, trying to hide things while I’m buying them. Her birthday is easy to shop for with school being a month away. She always gets spoiled with clothes, shoes, backpack, etc. It’s stuff I would be buying her anyways.

We had a crazy last week and I still have to share the details, but for today – Happy Birthday to our 9 year old baby girl!!

Karli's 9th Birthday