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doggy dogs

doggy dogs

Man’s best friend

I usually have Shaggy come sleep in our room, but I am all for Andrew having to share his space instead of Ken and I.
That’s all you get of me tonight, I’m bushed, my brain is already asleep. Gnite.
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doggy dogs

70 of 365

Try this American Dog Show contestants or anyone else who thinks their dogs are better trained than mine. My dogs may not know how to sit, stand, or roll over on command, but they sure can stand in a straight line when I yell "Attention!…well that and hold up a piece of steak.
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doggy dogs

68 of 365

A trip to the pet store to get some bones. They have these cute mini bones that are perfect for rewarding the dogs. What do I reward the dogs for you ask? They don’t know how to do any tricks at all, so it certainly isn’t for that. Two of my dogs, Shaggy the Maltipoo and Tori the Yorkie, sometimes have a tiny listening problem that often interferes with them coming back into the house when I call their names. One shake of their container of bones and they come a runnin!
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doggy dogs

59 of 365

Freshly bathed baby Tori, aka Sassers, aka Sasquatch, aka ToriTors. In the past I always said I would never own a Yorkie because they always look so raggy and dirty. I changed my mind after viewing one too many photos online of these cute little Yorkies made up all pretty with bows in their hair. Tori is the sweetest most cuddly dog I have ever owned, but she does look raggy and dirty most days. She never smells bad because I love to rub a dryer sheet on her fur. Ever try that on your dog? It works great! I bathe Tori by bringing hert into the shower. It funny because when you pick her up she paddles her legs like she is swimming in midair. Then I dry her with the hair dryer which she absolutely loves. I sort of have two daughters now…except this one doesn’t like hair pretties all that much.
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blog, doggy dogs

54 of 365 – Dog Tired

54 of 365 - Dog Tired

Karli wasn’t feeling very well this morning. She felt like she had a slight fever and she said her neck hurt. I didn’t send her to school and an hour later she was fine. Later in the afternoon she was playing on the computer and eventually she made it down to the floor to cuddle with Shaggy who was laying underneath her chair. I then captured the moment of them both falling to sleep. Notice how her hand is holding onto the blanket as though she was making sure Shaggy wouldn’t get up.

doggy dogs

51 of 365 – My little Horndog

(turn on your sound for full affect)
My 8 month old Yorkie, Tori, is in heat. This is how she acts when she sees the neighbors dog outside. Mind you it is a 50 pound lab mix while she is a 5 pound Yorkie. If you can’t tell, her entire body is shaking. I am holding her so she will sit still long enough to get a video of her.

doggy dogs

42 of 365

Crap! Tori is in heat. She is a week away from being 8 months old. I thought I had a few more months to get her fixed. Boy was I misinformed. Poor thing. I feel her pain. We started on the same day – Ha!
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doggy dogs

41 of 365

Now this is the life I want.
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