

Don't I look thrilled to be visiting Santa? I guess you could say I am too old for him now :)




I kept getting headaches at school and it turns out I needed glasses for seeing far away.

Now I LOOK like a kid who gets all A's too!

I turned 11 this month too, photos here.




Back to School





Don't bother me... I'm busy!





My mom finally made a football page for me, here.

Here are a few pics from baseball this year.

I seem to close my eyes a lot during baseball, Hmmm...





Check out my noise maker from Mexico!




Today I made my First Communion and Confirmation! Pics here.



My mom redecorated my bedroom. Yes, my walls are now green!  She still needs to find me a curtain.


I really wanted camouflage in my bedroom and my mom found this cool set at Pottery Barn.


The walls were rag painted two different colors of green.

The flash takes away some of the effect, but you get the idea.


My mom is going to paint my TV stand to match my room one of these days.

I got new shelves for my trophies, which my mom painted too.