Andrew's First Communion and Confirmation

Easter Vigil 2006 ~ What an amazing day! Less than a year ago Andrew was baptized and today he became confirmed AND receive his first communion.   Ken and I have been in RCIA ( so we can complete our sacraments of confirmation- both of us  & communion- just me) since September and Andrew finished his first year of CCD.  Andrew and I also completed the RCIC catechism class workbook at home so he could catch up with other children his age.  This actually moved him ahead of other 4th graders because he was able to make his confirmation now instead of waiting until 8th grade.  It will be up to him if he wants to continue taking CCD and so far he wants to keep going.  Yea!  He had impressed everyone at church;  his CCD teacher and the education director have said that he has such a willing spirit to follow the Lord.  

Unfortunately the photos didn't turn out that great because we weren't allowed to use a flash and I have yet to learn how to take decent photos when the camera is in no flash mode. 


Andrew with my Aunt Theresa, she was his sponsor.




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