
Being silly for the camera.


Let the Force be With Me.

More Football photos, scroll down to the bottom for the new ones.


I was in a wedding this month, see more photos here.

A visit to the Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Farm.



My first year playing Flag Football!

Here is a page with more photos.

Being a monster comes more naturally than making a sweet smile.

This is me right before I left for school one day... I really like school so far. I can't get used

to getting up early. I keep falling to sleep in the afternoons once I get home!

 Good thing mom didn't sign me up for all day Kindergarten.


My First Day of Kindergarten

I wasn't too scared about going on the bus until the bus actually pulled up...

then I got a little nervous.

I made it home the first day without any problems!

My brothers and I at Open House!



Meeting my teacher for the first time.




Holding Allie like a baby.


Cuddling with Zack.


I turned 5 today! I had my party over the weekend.

Click Here for more photos

Tinkering with Tinker Toys



I Graduated from Preschool!!!

View Preschool Photos Here

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Wanna fight?


I was building a fort with all the couch pillows, this drives my mom nuts because

I never put the pillows back the right way.

Outdoor Fun

Doing my "homework" (really just a workbook that I like to do for fun)

Posing for mom so she can test out her new camera.

I think the theme would be "Monster".


Don't mess with me and my drill.

I had Pajama Day at school today... it was a lot of fun!


Snow Time