December 13, 2002

Today I made my mom really mad. I was asking her where my juice cup was and when she told me she didn't know I tried to hit her because I WAS MAD! She told me to go take time out but I ran into the living room and hide in between the chair and footstool and guess what happened? I fell to sleep!


December 1, 2002



November 25,  2002

Today my baby brother was born.  My dad took me up to the hospital to visit my mom and new brother.  I couldn't understand why everyone kept taking Chase out of his bed and holding him. I kept telling my dad to put him back in his bed, but instead he would give him to my mom.  WHY?

I liked getting on my mom's hospital bed and going for a ride. It had these really cool buttons that you could press and go up and down.

Also...why in the world do babies cry?

Here is a picture of me after my mom told me that she was going to be bringing the baby home in 2 days!!


November 22,  2002

I just wanted to share with you a picture of me being a BIG BOY!!  My mom is so proud of me! Pretty soon I will be wearing big boy underwear just wait!


November 18, 2002

Not to much is going on around my house. My mom and I have been busy getting ready for my new brother to be born. She is constantly cleaning and being a worker bee!!  I have been learning how to go potty like a big boy, I'm not sure I like it too much!  I have been sleeping in my new bedroom in my race car bed, so now the nursery is all ready for my brother.

I am anxiously awaiting for the ground to be covered in snow. This will be my first year to really go out and play in it. A couple of days ago we got some snow, but it didn't stick.

Well I gotta go watch Bob the Builder, my mom got me a tape and I have to watch it AGAIN!!