November 22, 2004

Can you see how my face is saying, "C'mon Mom that is enough already!"

Note from Mom- For some reason when I noticed Andrew's face in this photo and the 12 others that I took in the same "photo session", I noticed how Andrew is smiling in each one, patiently waiting for me to that the LAST one....and my heart is filled with happiness... thinking about how great of a boy Andrew is.  I know it has to be tough on him being the oldest child, but he does an amazing job. I am SO proud of you Andrew! I really need to tell you that more often.


November 17, 2004

My team and I got some great stuff at our Awards Ceremony.

I got a trophy and a jersey with my last name on it! Too cool =)



October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween!


October 23, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me!!  Today is my 9th Birthday!

View all my party photos




October 13, 2004

Don't mess with me dude!



September 12, 2004

Today was my first football game.
I have played Flag Football for 3 years prior.

Be sure to check out my LIONS FOOTBALL PAGE for more football photos.




September 5, 2004

Last day of swimming until next year!

There sure wasn't enough hot weather this summer :(




August 25, 2004

My First Day of Third Grade


August 9, 2004

Hanging out at the park with my brothers and my new baby sister Karli.



July 10, 2004

Baseball is my favorite sport!

This year I hit a grand slam and a few home runs!



June 6, 2004




Trying to knock open the piņata at KK's company picnic.


April 26, 2004




I wrote my mom this letter at school today


April 11, 2004




HaPpY  EaStEr!!!

Visit our family Easter page here.


April 7, 2004




I recovered nicely from my surgery. My voice sounded kind of girly for awhile, but it is back to normal now.

I enjoyed hanging out with my brothers while I was off school for two weeks.
Well really they drove me insane, but that is what brothers are for!



March 2004




I am finally getting my tonsils and adenoids out April 2nd! Hopefully I will be able to

sleep better and not snore so loud. My mom hopes I eat more and gain some weight too!

Wish me luck!



February 6, 2004




I spend lots of time hanging out in Blake's room watching movies. Plus his cartoon channel comes in better!
What's up with that...Aren't I the oldest??



January 28, 2004




We played Barber Shop our new haircuts?