December 20, 2002





Today was my Christmas Party at school. It was a lot of fun. We made a reindeer ornament and got to eat some yummy treats! I got a really neat transformer from the gift exchange.









Here comes Rudolph!!!










December 2, 2002






Look what I got to play in today!!





















November 30, 2002





My baby brother is finally here!! It has been kinda strange around my house lately. My mom has been so busy nursing the baby that my stepdad has been doing most of the cooking and playing with me and my brother. But we are getting to play a lot of video games so I am not complaining! My new brother sleeps most of the time, but soon enough he will be jumping off the furniture and getting in pillow fights with Blake and I. I can't believe I have 2 brothers! I still keep telling my mom that she should have a girl someday. She just laughs at me.







November 18, 2002

I am so surprised, but in a really good way! My mom went to my parent/teacher conference the other day and I got rave reviews from my teacher! She said that I am doing great so far this year. My teacher told my mom that I am the kindest, sweetest boy she has had in class in a long time...that I was very mature for my age. I can't really figure out why she didn't mention the fact that I talk a lot, I guess I don't bother her all that much. So far I have aced all my spelling tests and I am reading level 2 books with my mom every night. I AM A READER!!! Here is a picture of me performing my morning little brother insists I kiss him goodbye every morning before heading off to school!!