
#365dog – Week 2

Day 8
Super grateful for my friend who suggested we take the kids bowling today to burn off some of their energy. We are on our third snow day and being stuck in the house has begun to take its toll on us all. There is nothing more enjoyable than chatting with a friend while the kids act silly and make memories with their buddies.

Day 9
fort building
Every once in awhile the kids (Chase and Karli) actually get along. When it happens, it’s so sweet. And a miracle. Feeling grateful for the small window of quiet time.
I was actually able to get some work done. School has already been canceled for Friday so Old Man Winter – thanks a bunch for the extra week of Winter Break. Now please, PLEASE, let’s get things under control by Monday so my kids can go back to school. The kids are even ready to go back.

Day 10
karli's closet
Karli’s closet…she organized all of her short sleeve shirts and tank tops by color.
Karli has organized and cleaned her room so many times this week I have lost count. I would say out of all the kids she has had the most fun and really used her time wisely. The boys either get on their video games or complain that they are bored. Karli will play in her room for hours, do crafts, color with markers, draw, or just play around on her Nook or iPod. Or chill with me. I love my little sidekick and I certainly don’t mind when she likes to clean.

Day 11
Emma's 10th
We celebrated my niece Emma’s 10 birthday today. Isn’t she a beautiful? We bought her all kinds of fun makeup and a case to put it all in. Anyone who has known me in real life or followed my website/blog from the very beginning might remember Emma from when she was just a little baby. She had so much dark hair! Actually I still have this old webpage on my site from her birth and such.
I love going back and looking at all the old photo pages I have of the kids from when they were little. Most of Karli and Chase’s entire lives are practically documented on my website. I have 4 years of photo still on these old graphic style webpages that were so popular to make.
A different subject… I was all concerned about waking up early this morning for Karli’s dance because we have all been sleeping in all week. Well that certainly wasn’t a problem considering I woke up to Ken jumping out of bed at 6am because the alarm was going off. He went straight to the safe and got out his gun and took off downstairs and I swear I think I just sat there in a panic. Do I follow him, do I call 911, do I wait for him to tell me what to do? It ended up being our shed door that wasn’t closed all the way that set off the alarm. It must have blown open. Anyways, I was very much wide awake after that. I think it took an hour for my heart to stop racing.

Day 12
old macbook air
My brand new MacBook Air that Ken got me for Christmas had to go back to the store. First this blue stripe about 2 inches wide appeared on the far right of the screen, then a pretty rainbow of colors replaced the blue, followed by a bunch of scrambled pixels. I started taking my files off of it immediately and eventually it went away. But then it returned about 2 hours later. At any rate, I returned it to Best Buy today and exchanged it for a new one. I was still within the window of time to be able to return it without any questions, verses having to send it in to Apple for repairs. For that I am grateful!
new macbook air
Ken thought I would be bummed having to set everything back up to my liking and such, but I don’t mind at all. I love taking a brand new computer out of the box and turning it on for the first time. It wasn’t like I had all that much on it yet anyways. It only took me about an hour to get everything back like it was and transfer some files back over.
Time for bed…this is going to be fun, waking up at 6:30am for the first time in 3 weeks :( I’m so excited to get back into a routine though.

Day 13
here we go!
My alarm went off at 6:30AM this morning and I hopped out of bed as though I had a good nights’ sleep when in reality I barely slept 5 hours. It didn’t matter though because I was that excited to be back on a schedule. A lot of the time I lay back down after I make sure Blake and Andrew are awake, but I was up and mopping the kitchen floor and throwing in a load of laundry. Then I hopped in the shower, woke up Chase and Karli, and got them off to school all by 8am. Then I worked, I made a meal plan for the week, went grocery shopping, and then worked some more. I cooked dinner for the kids and popped my plate in the microwave so I could workout after Chase left for wrestling.
We are lucky that we have exercise equipment at home so I am able to exercise on days even when time is limited. We have a treadmill, elliptical, and the Inspire FT1 training gym which I love and still haven’t used to its full potential. I used this app on my iPhone that I just downloaded called Running for Weight Loss and its really nice. It focuses on interval walking and running and you can use GPS or on a treadmill as well. Not like you can’t do interval running without an app, it’s pretty easy. But the app really makes it simple and you don’t have to focus on the time since the app tells you when to run and walk.

Day 14
girl time
Writing when you’re grumpy isn’t very easy. I don’t know what my problem is. Today wasn’t a bad day, just little things get under my skin. Things that aren’t in my control so I just have to let them go! Like the weather, ugh! I so want to book a vacation for Spring Break, but can’t decide if I want to spend the money. And I’m tired today.
Anyways…Karli gets a little break at dance and her and I get to spend some alone time at a nearby diner. She had homework to work on, but it was still a nice break. She’s doing so well at dance this year. In jazz she is dancing at Advanced level with many older girls. If you haven’t seen her video from her Christmas Program/Nutcracker feel free to check it out. You can see in the video the routine she performs with the older girls – the one with the white shirts.
I’m so proud of her! She works very hard and it shows :)

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1 Comment

  • Reply Cleo March 3, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    HEY! I love ur family and Chase is SO cute. I love watching ur videos. My name is cleo and i am 13 years old and i think we live in the same state….idk honestly. I have 1 question: Does Karli have a snapchat?.

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